Chapter 12 - Rediscovering Myself

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Swap kept his hands clamped around Red’s spine as Sans licked his clenched teeth and fondled Swap threw the crotch of his sleepwear. Moving up and down it, he could feel every peak and valley of the Underfell Sans’ backbones. Red quivered and quaked as he pushed growling pants threw his fangs.

Suddenly, Red shot his hands to Swap’s wrists and pried them off his spine. “What’s wrong, Red? Did I hurt you?” Swap replied innocently.

Red shook his skull as he gripped Swap’s wrists tightly. “No,” he breathed. “If you keep going like that… I'm not gonna last.”

Sans laughed behind Swap, then pushed Swap off the edge of the bed. The sudden shove threw Swap onto Red, who caught them both from falling over. “What the butter?” Swap snapped.  “What was that… for?”

Sans moved up onto the mattress as he fought to remove his shorts and undergarments. Neither Swap nor Red waited for an invitation. They peeled off clothes from themselves and each other. In a matter of moments all three of them were completely naked.  All wrapped in a linking pile of bones.

Swap squealed as he was assaulted by both his lovers. Red before him and Sans behind. Marron and blues flashed and mixed. Creating various shades of purple and violet on the walls and ceiling. As Red roughly pulled and yanked at Swap’s ribcage, nearly clawing at his soul, Sans worked several phalanges deep into his magic.

“More… ahh… Please more…” Swap begged and he panted. Never in his life had Swap ever felt this way. He knew he would miss his former life, miss his universe and the family he had lost. But now, he couldn't imagine being anywhere else. Or with anyone else other then his two counterparts. His sheltered and pampering life was over. Replaced with one of action, adventures, and the pleasures only independent monsters know. It was freedom.

For Sans, the original… the heart of the multiverse… it was the new he latched onto. He lived in a world that was always repeating. Always rewinding. He had existed in so many timelines that were merely the same events over and over again, he had given up. And become bored. Until now… this was new. Though his beloved brother was gone, probably forever, he would never have to relive his death over again. No longer feeling the heart breaking disappointment to make it to the surface and see the sun, then suddenly be right back in the underground. Everyone acting like they had never made it out at all. He could move on and live a real life.

Slowly, Sans press his illuminous member deep into Swap’s magic as he still begged for more. Asking Red to touch him. Red happily complied, wrapping both their cocks in a fist. Dark purple oozing out from between his hand bones. Red clung to this bizarre relationship for the love. Real love, not the violent LOVE. In this AU of hatred, revenge, and blood the future of happiness brightens the darkness he was born into. Red could now face the horror of his world… as long as he had these two monsters waiting for him to heal both the external and internal hurt… he would be ok.

“I can't hold back any longer!!” Swap screamed as he arched sharply. Baby Blue cum spraying from Red’s fist. He was followed shortly by a panting Red. The sounds of his lovers, the vice around his member, and the searing heat of their light exploding souls sent Sans over the edge as he spilled himself inside of Swap.

The trio collapsed in an unceremonious heap. All were breathless, sweaty, and spent. They cared not that they were sticky and gross… sleep took them nearly instantly. Not a one knowing their difficulties were not yet over. Their heartbreak had not yet reached its climax. And it would reach new heights of intensity.

●  ●  ●  ● 

Midafternoon.  Papyrus scoffed at Red’s empty sentry post. “Three Sanses and their all just as lazy.” He gave the post a swift kick with his boot. He has a good mind to go home and drag them all back here and make them sit here until tomorrow morning. Though he knew that they would just use one of their shortcuts to escape to Grillby’s or Muffit’s.

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