Chapter Two: Alone

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A/N- Sorry for not updating, but here you go. I hope you enjoy this chapter.


The last time I broke up with someone was three years ago. I was fifteen back then, I didn't have a clue what I did for love.

Since I didn't want to get hurt again, I decided not to communicate with others, especially boys. I lived in a apartment by myself. I wasn't into inviting friends over because all they ever do is just talk about boys. Everyday, I would sit and watch television. 

* * *

Two years later, I was typing up my resume. I was signing up for a job, a job where you deal with organizing money for people, an accountant. When I was in University, I've always wanted to be an accountant. By the time I was done my resume, it was already 8:00 pm.

"Man, this resume better be accepted, I've worked hard for this all day," I said as I looked at my resume in satisfaction.

I plan to go to the place that were hiring accountants tomorrow. Since it was still early for me to go to bed, I decided to watch television of course. I watched television until I slept.

It was the next day, the day where I hope that my piece of art gets into consideration, or to simply describe it, my resume. I went to the kitchen to get breakfast and went back to my room and got change. I wanted to look formal so I decided to wear this.

 I wanted to look formal so I decided to wear this

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* * *

I was waiting in line. As I was waiting, my eyes scanned the place, I was amazed by it. I'm really hoping I could get accepted. The line wasn't that long, I was the fourth in line, which wasn't that bad. I finally was next and asked if I could speak to their manager.

"Hello, I would like to apply for a job," I asked the manager with a smile on my face.

"Sure, were hiring, do you have a resume?" the manager asked.

I fished my bag as I look for my resume that I've been working on yesterday.

"Here you go," I stated as I handed my resume to him

"Thank you, we'll give you a call if you get accepted," the manager said cheerfully.

"Okay, bye." I said in excitement.

"Bye." the manager said as I walked outside the building.

I didn't want to go home yet so I decided to go to the mall. The mall wasn't far from the building so I decided to walk my way there. It took about five minutes to walk towards the mall. I was finally there. My favorite store in the mall I always go to is called "Garage". I love Garage, it's a store you can buy clothes, really cute clothes. I noticed I have been picking clothes but I haven't tried them on yet, so I went to a dressing room. All of the clothing I chose fitted me, so I decided to buy them. I was walking my way out to the mall as I waited for a call from the job I applied to. I was out of the mall and called a taxi.

* * *

*phone rings*

"Hello?" I uttered.

"Hello, you will have the interview this Saturday," a person said through the phone.

"Really? Thank you very much!" I said in excitement.

"Bye-bye." the person said on the phone as she hung up.

I was happy my resume got accepted. The interview is this Saturday and today is Wednesday, so I have two more days until the interview.

As the following days passed by, I watched television and clean my apartment, while I was waiting for the day of my interview.

* * *

Today is the day, where I answer all the questions correctly and formally. The interview is at 2:00 pm. I decided to wear the same clothing I wore when I applied for a job. I was ready for this day.

* * *

It is now 1:30 pm. I wanted to be there early so I left at that time. I soon arrived to the place and waited until they call my name for the interview.

They finally called my name. As I was walking towards the person that called my name, I had this huge smile on my face.

"Are you ready?" the woman at the desk smiled.

"Yes, ma'am." I replied and went inside the office.

* * *

I was done my interview, they told me I am going to receive a phone call, whether I get accepted or not. I decided to walk home to get fresh air. As I was walking, I received a phone call.

"You have been accepted with your job, congratulations!" the person spoke through the phone.

"Really, thank you very much!" I stated with a smile on my face.

We both said goodbye in sync, I hung up afterwards. I was really happy I got accepted from the job I wanted to work in for a very long amount of time. I decided to celebrate by going to an ice cream shop. I walked in the shop and waited in line.

As soon as I was at the very front of the counter, a boy with raven hair and a friendly smile, greeted me.

"Hi, what can I get for you?" he states as his name tag glinted against the light. His name tag read:

Park Jimin.


A/N- I know this chapter is boring, but you will understand as to why I have this chapter when you read the next one. Stay tune for my next update!

To be continued. . .

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