Chapter Seven: The Answer

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Brooke asked me if I have boyfriend in front of Jimin but it didn't bother me so I went ahead and told her.

"No, I don't, do you?" I asked in curiosity.

"Yeah, he's a nice guy," she cheerfully said.

*Brooke's phone vibrates*

"I have to go, my parents are looking for me," Brooke uttered with worry in her eyes.

"Oh, okay, you can go ahead, bye!" I mentioned as I waved bye.

"Here, my phone number, bye, see you later!" she said as she left the ice cream shop.

I started heading towards my apartment. As I was looking at the piece of paper, it said her full name and her phone number underneath it. As I was walking, I heard someone breathing heavily behind me, I looked around and saw Jimin.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" Jimin asked in curiosity.

"Why would you want to know? It's none of your business anyways if I do or don't!" I stated as I kept my anger in.

"Why are you so mad?" he asked with bewildered eyes.

"Nothing, I just don't want to talk about relationships, I'm sorry" I said as my gaze was on the ground.

"Oh, okay, it's okay" he said.

"I heard you were looking for me yesterday," he added.

"Oh that," I uttered as I scratched my scalp. 

Jimin grinned out of nowhere.

"Why is your face like that? Fix it," I uttered as I let out a little laugh.

"Why?" Jimin asked.

"Nothing, it's just bugging me," I chuckled.

"Or is it entertaining?" he asked as he leans forward.

I pushed him away.

"Anyways, why were you looking for me yesterday, Jungkook told me about it," he stated as he changed the subject.

"I just wanted to know if you were working, that's all," I said in a nervous tone.

"Okay, but I know you missed me," he cheerfully said.

"Whatever," I uttered as I rolled my eyes.

We both laughed in sync. We were finally there at my apartment.

"Anyways, bye, see you later!" he added as we both walked opposite directions.

"Bye." I responded back.

As I walked in to my apartment, I straightly went to he kitchen and grabbed something I could eat, and go to sleep afterwards.

* * *

The next morning, I decided to text Brooke if she wanted to hang out today or something. As I was waiting for her to respond back, I went to the kitchen and ate breakfast. I soon received a text message back. 

It said: Do you want to meet me in the ice cream shop again?

I quickly responded back and told her yes because I would love to. I started getting ready.

I was walking towards the ice cream shop, I could already see Brooke walking towards it as well.

"Hey Natalie," a voice greeted me behind my back.

I turned around to see who it was and it was Jimin.

"Hey," I greeted back.

"Are you going to the ice cream shop again?" he asked as we walked towards the shop.

"Yeah, I'm meeting Brooke inside," I responded.

"Oh, is that so? Let me escort you inside," he stated as he hooked his arms with mine.

"No, it's okay, I think I can handle it myself," I stated nervously as I removed my arm from his.

As we walked into the ice cream shop, I saw Brooke waving towards me. I waved back.

We both met halfway.

"Do you want to go to the park instead?" Brooke suggested.

"Yeah, sure!" I replied as soon as she suggested it.

As we walked towards the park nearby the shop, we saw an empty seat and we sat down.

"Are you sure you don't have a boyfriend because I just saw you with a cute looking boy talking to you while you guys were walking towards the shop," she curiously asked as she gave me a smirk.

"Brooke I'm pretty sure I don't have a boyfriend, he's just a friend," I chuckled.

"Okay, I know you're hiding something from me, but it's okay you don't have to tell me," she stated as she leans backwards.

"So, how is your boyfriend doing?" I asked.

"He's doing really good, he's a nice guy, you should meet him," she suggested as she had a huge smile on her face.

"Okay," I uttered.

"A friend is inviting me to her party and I'm wondering if you would like to come?" she asked with puppy eyes.

"You and I?" I asked making sure there was no guys coming with us.

"No, it's my boyfriend and I, and the guy from earlier and you!" she said in excitement.

"It will be a double date!" she added.

"Uhh, but Jimin is just a friend not my boyfriend," I nervously stated.

"Don't worry, you'll just pretend that he's your boyfriend," she uttered.

"No, I am not pretending," I said in shocked.

"Okay, you don't have to, all you have to do is ask him to come," she smirked at me.

"I am not asking him, is it okay if I just go by myself?" I asked as I begged her.

"No it isn't, I'll just have to ask him for you," she uttered.

I sighed, I couldn't do anything about it. I can't stop her from asking, either way, she will still find a way before the party.


A/N- Sorry for the boring chapter, stay tune for the next update. >3<. I won't be able to update for two to three days because I'll be going some wheres, bye for now to the fellow readers that still reads this story!! Don't forget to vote and comment, hehe!!

To be continued. . . 

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