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simone tapped her alarm so it could shut up. don't get her wrong, she loved the fact that she was getting paid five thousand dollars a week for being the michael clifford's assistant but the waking up at the crack of dawn was the part she'd rather not have. then again her bank account was smile and her ass was covered in gucci and gold so she pushed the complaints away and focused on her job. she needed to hurry and get ready since yesterday she had missed work.

she went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush her teeth. she did all her lady things then got out letting the hot steam pout out the bathroom. she went to her closet and looked through for an outfit and decided on a tight red outfit. a red long skirt with a red cropped tube top that showed off a little of her stomach and her piercing. she paired her outfit with black louboutins. she set the clothes on her bed and went to go wear her
undergarments. simone was a big fan of lace which meant most of her bras and underwear consisted of lace. she decided to go braless instead just praying to god her nippled didn't get hard in front of her boss and her nipple piercings get caught in the fabric.

she sat at her vanity and applied quickly her makeup and brought her hair up in an effortless ponytail leaving some strands loose to fall around her face. she applied her lashes and lipstick and went to get dressed. she slipped on a few of her bracelets and her watch then earrings. once she was ready she grabbed her purse, phone, and keys. she would stop to starbucks and get her boss and herself a coffee. when she arrived at work she pulled open the large class doors of clifford and co. she walked through the big building until she reached the elevator. she pressed the button for the 12th and got in. the elevator started and up she went. she always dreaded elevators for the fear of getting stuck inside and never being able to escape. she looked at her reflection on the titanium colored wall of the elevator and swallowed a lump in her throat. hopefully mr.clifford would go easy on her for her absence yesterday. she really didn't want to lose this job.

when the elevator halted to a stop simone's heart went bat shit and started beating quickly until the doors finally opened. relief washed over her and she closed her eyes sighing. she quickly got out before it could make its long journey back down with her. her heels thumped on the office carpet as she walked through. she winked at the receptionist who was quite attractive. simone would have to get her number, to be friends of course. she braced herself for the worse as she knocked on mr.clifford's door.

"come in." his loud voice said. simone shakily grabbed the door handle and smiled trying her best not to look afraid and turned on. the sight of mr.clifford in a suit made her bite her lip. what was up with her lately. first that luke guy and now her own boss. she was probably going through a dry spell. she hadn't fucked a girl in a while and her handy dandy rabbit helper must've been making her crave males. that had to be the sane explanation. she set the coffee down on his desk and eyed him as he walked over to her taking agonizingly slow steps.

"good morning, mr.clifford." simone spoke up first.

"sit." he commanded. simone quickly sat down on the black cushioned chair and swallowed a lump forming in her throat. her boss bent down slowly so he could meet her eye to eye.

"why were you not here yesterday?" his minty breath infiltrated her nose. simone let out a breath she didnt know she was holding. she needed to remind herself that she liked girls. She liked girls and she's known that since she was seventeen.

"i was sick." she semi lied. a hangover headache definitely did count as being sick, especially as hard she was drinking that night.

"why didn't you call in to say you were sick, especially that yesterday was quite busy." he said. her boss stood back up and took a sip of his coffee. "go to the 6th floor and give these to ashton, you know who he is if not ask around. then bring me a chicken biscuit im really hungry."

simone nodded and hurried to the elevator. her body collided with a hard chest and she stumbled back a little until a hand caught her. she yanked her arm away and dusted herself off. the person chuckled and she looked up.

"dont touch me i do-"

"still being a bitch i see."

simone stuttered and her eyebrows scrunched together.

"what are you doing here? look im not interested i told you i li-"

"you like girls yeah i know, you mentioned that. the real question is what are you doing here?"

"i work here." she replied in a duh tone. why elese was she carrying these papers and dressed formally sexy.

"im here to close a deal with michael clifford."

"wait what?" simone said in disbelief.

"i own a chain of car businesses."

"wait you own hemmings interprises?"

"yeah." luke replied fixing his tie. he cleared his throat and looked at his watch. simone couldn't believe it. he looked so casual that night, and so not accomplished. his hand brushed a strand of her hair out if her face touching her cheek a bit. he gave her a small smile and continued on in the direction he was going before he bumped into her. the side of her cheek was tingling a bit from where he touched her. she licked her lips and composed herself before entering the elevator. she was definitely calling her girlfriend tonight to relieve some stress.

ok ok ok this is way longer
whoop whoop dont i deserve a medal
anyways if this tickled your fancy pls vote comment and share to your frands who like the hemmings
also i had to put a l cliffoconda action in there for all my michael girls
;) i gotchu
also I listened to kehlani runnin and my bb geazy drifting so you should listen to that
also geazy is my daddy cuz why tf not

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