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simome had made it home safely and alone that night. this was another day and she honestly didn't feel like going to work so she was currently laying in bed texting. for the first time since simone had been alone she realized how cold her condo was. how cold and lonely it was. maybe she should get a pet to fill the emptiness but that wouldn't help either. the only thing she could really do is swarm herself in work. but even that she was out of plus she didn't feel like seeing luke at all. she got out of bed and figured this was something she might as well do. she went to her closet, she was so upset with everything that she didn't feel the need to dress up but this was a corporate job so she needed to look presentable. in her clothes she browsed through some pants, skirts, and dresses. she picked some black dress pants with a white flowy top and reached into her closet picking two pairs of shoes. her ultimate instinct was to turn to krista and ask her opinion but of course krista wasn't here.

she chose the plain black ones with the red bottoms and grabbed her purse and phone. she hurried downstairs and popped a toaster strudel in the toaster and did her makeup in the downstairs bathroom until she heard the familiar sound of it popping out. she grabbed her food and hurried to her car. she was running a bit late so she decided to skip starbucks this morning and head straight to work. she parked in the familiar employee parking on the big tower and entered the building.

she greeted the usual people then went into the elevator. from the last time she had talked to luke before everything fucked up, as in when they went out to dinner he mentioned still working with michael so he would be visiting often so simone was praying to all the gods right now that she didn't bump into him but at the same time she didn't want to jinx it. she got out the elevator proud that she was slowly overcoming he small fear of elevators. she greeted the secretary and walked into her boss's office.

"good morning mr. clifford." she said setting her bag on the chair.

"good morning, simone, you look . . . good." he replied raking her body up and down. she blushed a little and then rolled her eyes taking a seat.

"um is there anything you need me to do?" she asked crossing her legs. her hands rested on her thighs and she looked around the office never really noticing the decor until now. black picture frames and red accessories. she was guessing it was black and red theme in this room.

"you can get me a coffee from the lounge and deliver these papers to ashton, he's in there with mr. hemmings and were still not done doing business." he replied handing simone the papers. her eyes widened at the mention of luke. so he was here, in the building. she nodded and grabbed the papers. she walked out the office and went into the hallway. the other employees looked at simone with dirty looks and she flipped each of them off. she wasn't in the mood today. she turned the corner and saw ashton's office but she also saw luke. her feet halted to a stop. she had no desire whatsoever to go in there and face luke but duty called and simone was very good at avoiding duty. she walked back down the hallway to one of her coworkers.

"calum." she said knocking on the door.

"come in." he replied. simone pushed the door open and bit her lip a bit anxious and nervous.

"what's up." he smirked at her as he set his pen down. simone foughy the urge to roll her eyes at him and she walked up to his desk.

"i need you to do me a favor." she said fidgeting a little.

"and that is?" he raised his eyebrows. simone explained to him what she needed him to do and why without giving out too much information about why she didn't want to see luke at the moment.

"this'll come at a price you know."

"what do you want me to do?" she replied now rolling her eyes. he walked over to her and let his hands roam around her body. she pulled back and gave him a look. she did not play those games.

"c'mon simome we both know you want this." he spoke up moving closer to her.

"calum stop." she said in a warning tone.

"fine but you've got to do something for me since sex is off the table." he closed the blinds and reached for the front of his pants. simone gagged just thinking about where this was going. she really didn't want to see luke but she wasnt this fucking desperate. she scoffed and grabbed the folder off the desk.

"you're so fucking disgusting." she said storming out his office. she decided she would just wait until luke left his office to quickly drop the papers off. so simone sat there and waited looking every couple minutes or so to check if luke had left yet. soon enough she didn't see him in the office anymore. she got up from the floor and hurriedly tried to get to ashton's office. they had probably been out for lunch or something or to take a break and simone didn't want to risk running into him. she opened the door and quickly set the documents on ashton's glass table. she darted out the office and headed towards the employee lounge to get her boss's coffee. he was probably wondering was was taking her so long and why she hadn't been back with his coffee yet. she grabbed the styrofoam cup and poured the coffee in. she added the milk and sugar then headed for mr. clifford's office. she walked in and set it down.

"thanks." he replied taking a sip. "i dont have much work left for you really but if you wanna stay you can if not you're free to go back home." she nodded at his words and grabbed her purse ready to leave but stopped to turn back around.

"um mr. clifford." she spoke up.

"c'mon simone, call me michael." he chuckled.

"alright michael, i was wondering you know since i really dont have anything to do once i get back home do you maybe wanna go out sometime?" she asked sheepishly. simone was never one to get shy really but this was sort of one of those topics. her boss chuckled and closed his laptop.

"let's go now." he replied. he took his jacket and snaked his hand on simone's waist leading her out his office. simone might as well take her mind off luke and krista and what more better than to distract her by going out with her boss.

i sorta liked this chap
wasnt my best but
anyways if you liked this
Por favor on everything i love
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thanks love yall bunches of oats

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