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simone felt someone's sweaty leg on too of hers. she shifted a little so that the person next to her stirred groaning a big. if she recalled last night, her and her girlfriend had quite a date that included alcohol and lots of touching which led to them being where they are now. simone pushed the covers off of her and got out of bed and stretched yawning a little.

"where you going?" krista, her girlfriend pouted watching simone get dressed intently. simone smiled as she pulled on her skinny jeans. she took her red flowy blouse and buttoned it up.

"i have to go to work babe." simone said rushing to her closet to find some shoes. she pulled out two different shoes. one was a nude colored open toed heel and the other was a black strapped up one. she held them up in front of krista and krista chose the black ones. simone nodded and sat on the bed to quickly lace them up. simone decided to go for light makeup today so she went with some concealer and mascara with eyeliner and lip gloss. she brushed her hair and ruffled it up a bit to make it look a bit unkept. she grabbed her black suit jacket and slipped it on quickly. she sprayed some perfume making sure to put some enough around her neck.

if her boss was going to get as close as he had yesterday she wanted to make sure she smelled good and desirable. she blew her girlfriend a quick kiss and headed downstairs to the kitchen. since she had a bit of time she figured she'd eat some breakfast. she got some pop tarts and put them in the toaster quickly. when they popped out she quickly grabbed them and her keys ready to head to work.

simone was going to make a quick stop to starbucks and get sone coffee for mr.clifford again. he seemed to have enjoyed that yesterday and simone strived to please him. when she reached her job she opened the familiar glass doors and greeted the security guard and the front desk lady. she pushed the elevator button and pulled her phone out scrolling through instagram. she could see through her peripheral vision that someone else stood next to her. the elevator opened and they both stepped inside. she put her phone bak inside her black channel bag. she turned to look at who it was she had gotten in the elevator with. there he was again. luke. she was seriously starting to think he was stalking her. first her house, then her job, and now her job again. he smirked looking down at her and pulled on his tie a bit. she rolled her eyes annoyed at his cockiness. even though he hadn't said anything yet she knew what he was thinking.

"will you stop," simone said looking up at him.

"stop doing what? breathing i dont think i can do that just yet."

"i can help." she gave him a fake smile.

simone shifted her weight onto her other foot and looked at her watch. she looked at what floor she currently was on and it was the ninth floor. just three more and she could finally get to work and away from him. it was just the fact that he was all of a sudden appearing everywhere and messing up the balance of her life and the way she was feeling. she was completely fine with licking the pink taco before luke came into view with his breakfast that simone actually quite enjoyed. she bit her lip fidgeting with her fingers.

"why you here?" he voice piped up.

"to work . . . why else." he replied in a 'duh' tone. "why are you such a bitch?"

"im not." she replied matter of factly. she was just simply blunt and told it like it was. she didn't grow up with all the luxuries most people did and she had to work to where she is right now. and she did that without anyone's immediate help and she wanted to keep it that way. besides that was the way she became the most vulnerable. when she's exposed to letting people help her. the elevator finally dinged and simone quickly stepped put cutting in front of him. that may have been rude of her but she was starting to feel uncomfortable, he was starting to make her uncomfortable. simone's heels clicked on the carpeted floor as she headed towards her boss's office. she needed to go out soon to a party or something to loosen her up. she needed a change of scenery to remind her she's twenty two and not thirty eight. she knocked at the door then he signaled to come in. she gave him a smile and set the coffee on the table.

"good morning, simone." her boss spoke tapping away at his laptop.

"good morning, mr. clifford, i brought you some coffee again," she said picking up his cup and setting it next to him but not so close that an accident happens and spills all over his laptop.

"four sugars and two creams i believe."

"you remembered?" he asked her taking a sip. of course simone remembered what her boss liked in his coffee, how could she not. it was her job to do this kind of stuff. she nodded and sat down on a leather cushioned chair. she wondered what she was going to do today and also wondering why she hadn't kissed luke. his lips looked so welcoming in the elevator. she bit her lip at the thought and snapped out her trance.

"simone," mr. clifford said repeating her name. simone blushed and quickly stood up.

"in sorry i was ju-"

"thinking real hard about something." he said cutting her off. he chuckled and slid a manila folder that had loads of paper in then towards simone. he instructed her to go down the hall to another employees office and deliver these. she nodded her head quickly and exited his office. she walked down and greeted some of her coworkers that passed by her. one that she recalled to be named calum winked at her. she rolled her eyes and kept walking.

"as if." she muttered. when she finally reached the office there was luke sitting in one of the read cushioned chairs.

"mr. clifford told me to give these to you, ashton. said something about putting them in files and sending them out to each market executive."

"thanks, i'll go do that right now." he replied standing up and out the office. simone turned around ready to leave but a hand grabbed onto her wrist pulling her back. she turned around ready to cuss luke out but he was standing up looking down at her. this was a turn of events, she was really expecting mr. clifford to put the moves on her. simone slowly stepped backwards as he stepped forward and she backwards until she hit the wall. this to her was both erotic yet worrying because they were in an office with like a bunch other people and if they got caught doing this that would not look good on either of their parts. shit simone would probably even get fired.

she swallowed the lump that had formed and looked at him intently. his eyes were focused completely on her lips. his right hand took hers and his left hand took her left hand and pinned them above her head against the wall. he heart by now was beating wildly, so hard that she thought it was going to burst out her rib cage, either that or she was having a heart attack. luke's hot breath panned over her, it smelled like strong coffee versus simone's that smelled like not as strong coffee. she was really wishing she had took that mint in her bag now. his head dipped down a little ready to take simone's lips at any moment.

"what does that girl have that i dont?" he asked, his voice deep and menacing.

"a vagina." she replied smirking. that was a good answer.

"well can her vagina make you this wet?" he replied letting as his other hand grab tightly onto both if her wrists. she would probably end up bruising. his hand snaked to the front of her pants and down past her underwear. she could feel his fingers dragging across her folds and bringing the wetness up to her clit. simone closed her eyes and bit her lip to keep from moaning. luke's lips made their way to simone's neck kissing, nipping, and biting. he licked over the spot he had marked and led his lips to simone's. she was right, kissing him tasted like coffee.

he pulled away and simone whined at the lost of contact. her eyes immediately opened as he pulled back. his finger made its way to his lips as he sucked on it. simone so badly wanted to throw up, because she never thought this would happen. she never thought a guy could turn her on, but she couldn't feel disgusted by this because she liked it. she liked it, this, and worst of all she liked him. when ashton came back into the room he handed simone the papers that were done. she gave him a small smile and turned around to look at luke. he had an amusing smile plastered on his face and simone was furious.

"fuck you." she mouthed stepping out the office.

was it getting hot in there or is it just the 97 degree in the nc
nah its just the 97 degree
but yall thought she was gonna end up with michael
lol jk i mean yall obvi knew that
no but fr yall
that part was steamy
*wiggles eyebrows*
i had to give yall a moment
a luke momento
*wiggles eyebrows again*
anyways if this chapter was lit pls vote comment n share to all your lil frands
that would b great
thanks :)))

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