hi guys

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hi guys. I'm not updating the book anything . I don't even think anybody still reads this. I just like to log back into my wattpad sometimes and reminisce. I wrote a lot of this stuff when i was like 13-15. I'm 19 now so it's like woah . A lot of it is hellaaaa cringe 💀 like i cant believe i was writing that shit at 13 but . Anyways if there are people that still read this and my other books till now i just wanna day thank you❤️ really . It means a lot . I wanted to become a big time writer soo bad when i was younger but now things are different. I might come back again in a year or two or maybe 3 how I've been doing . Just checking up on how Wattpad is now.  . . It's changed a lot . . .

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