Truth or Dare and More songs

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Sqaisheys POV

I was sitting on the sofa with Stampy playing Minecraft in the living room when I suddenly got inspired to write a song

St- Hey Sqaish

Sq- Yeah Stamps

St- Do you wanna go to this fancy restaurant tonight with Squid and Nicole

Sq- That sounds great

St- Yay

Sq- Stamps I will be back in a hour I just had an idea for a song

St- Ok Sqaishey

I ran up to mine and Stampys room
I wrote down all my ideas and then the lyrics just came to me

*1hour later*

I ran downstairs to Stampy

Sq- Done!

St- Can I hear it

Sq- You will hear it tonight Kitty Cake

St- I wanna hear it noooowwwwww

Sq- Be patient Kitty be patient

St- *crosses arms*

Sq- *giggles* Don't worry you will here it

Squid and Nicole came downstairs

S- What are you up to?

St- Squuuiiidddd Sqaishey won't let me hear her song *stampy said in a winey Childs voice*

Sq- Stamps you will hear it tonight

N- Stampy be patient it will be worth the wait I just know it!

St- Well then I guess we are going to the restaurant early then!

Stampy stood up and walked to the door

Sq- Come on Stamps sit with me

St- Fine!

S- Come on Stamps lets play truth or dare!


N- Even after last time?

A tear escaped my eye but I quickly wiped it away

N- Sorry Sqaishey I didn't mean to upset you

Sq- it's ok just a little run away tear LETS PLAY

ST- Saying it was gonna be squids turn last time I think he should get his go

Squid spun the bottle and it landed on Stampy

S- Truth or Dare

St- Dare

N- Uh oh

Squid smiled mischievously

Sq- Stampy what have you done

S- I dare you to post a video on YouTube of you licking your hand and putting it on your knee and say " I was just waxing my knee" (PewDiePie reference anyone)

St- Squid really!

S- Yessss!

St- Ok but you didn't say it had to be on my channel and that I couldn't take it down!

S- Sneaky Cat!

Stampy made the video and made a new channel uploaded it and then took it down straight away

St- It's almost time to go

Me and Nicole went upstairs and wore the dresses from the disco and did make etcetera

Time Skip

We arrived at the restaurant

Waitor- W

St- Table for 4

W - Booking name?

St- Garret

W- This way

He sat us at the middle left of the room by a window

Time skip becuz I don't know what to write XD

After we finished our main courses I was called to the middle of the room

Introducer- I

I- Can we welcome Bethany Bates up here?

Sq- Hi

I- What are you performing for us tonight Beth?

Sq- I'm singing a song that I made about fighting back but with a weird twist it is also a song based on Minecraft

I- Sounds wonderful

( again pretend she has written it and it isn't a parody also don't notice that her voice is different in this song lol I try my best OK)

I gave the piano person the notes and I began to sing

(Play the song)

I'll make a cake x2
Yea i was in the dark
i was fighting hard
With just half a heart
(i'll make a cake)
how did this trip go all so wrong
(i'll make a cake)

that i need to eat
all i need is wheat
(i'll make a cake)
yea i was hungy for so long
i wish i had then
what i have now
didn't know that you needed a cow
add some sugar it makes it so sweet
mixing the eggs
adding the wheet
hunger's filled tonigtht
my health's regene-fine
im fighting back tonight
yeah my hunger filled tonight
(i've made a cake)
not eating any meat
i ate up every pece
and landed on my feet
(i've made a cake)

(i've made a cake)
yeah i can run again
frome the zombies and
thers no need to defend
(and its great)
the panics over now
the end
i wish i had then
what i have now
didn't know that you needed a cow
add some sugar it makes it so sweet
mixing the eggs
adding the wheat
hunger's filled tonigtht
my health's regening-fine
im fighting back tonight
yeah my hunger filled tonight
monsters rumbeling
creepers exploding
you can't stop me now
Notch knows i survived
had the cake revived
im not hungry any more
(i've made a cake)
hunger's filled tonigtht
my health's regene-fine
im fighting back tonight
yeah my hunger filled tonight
(i've made a cake)
(i've made a cake)
(i've made a cake)
(i've made a cake)
(i've made a cake)

(I'm not responsible for any spelling mistakes in that as I copy and pasted it)

Everyone clapped and cheered

I walked down to Stampy

St- Sqaishey really how do you do it?

I shrugged my shoulders and we went to pay but they gave it to us for free because of me being the guest of the night and we headed home and went to bed.

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