A Bad ending to a Nice day

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The chapter I put up before this got mixed up so its before the 1K update just in awe you get confused :3
The Next Morning

Stampy shook me awake "Hey Sqaish". "Yeah?" "Nicole is going to get Squid a birthday present and she wants me to go with her because I can help her pick out something because I'm his best friend will you be ok here with Squid?" "Of course KittyCake just don't be long I'll miss you". "I'll be home as soon as possible" he kissed my forehead goodbye but I pulled him back and gave him a proper smooch (Quest reference) he looked at me and laughed "What? I'm not letting you away with a head kiss!" "Not judging I love it when you do things like that". "Bye KittyCake!" "Bye Sexy Duckie!" I giggled and he left.

I got up out of bed and got dressed I have a lot of present wrapping to do! I went downstairs and made me and Squid a fry "Hey Sqaish what smells so good?"  "It's a fry" I said handing him a plate "Thanks Duck". "No problem Nugget". "Where's Nicole and Stamps". "They went shopping" I lied "At least that give me time to wrap her and Stamps Presents". "Yeah me too" "What did you get Stamps". "I got him a bracelet thing that has Belongs to Sqaishey carved on it and I got him a cat onesie and I'm going to sew Belongs to Sqaishey on it and I got him a jumper with his Minecraft face on it and I'm gonna sew the same thing on the back I also got him a cat plushie."  "He's gonna love it Sqaishey!"  "I hope so what did you get him?"  "I got him that statue of his skin from the Minecraft shop". "He's gonna be so happy with that!" "I know I hope Nicole likes her dinosaur stuff" "she'll love it Squid don't worry". "Can you show me how to sew cause I wanna write belongs to squid on her Pyjammas and her jumper?"  "Of course I will that's what friends are for!" We finished up our breakfast "Come with me" I told Squid I grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs most people would think I was flirting but we know it's friendly because he is one of my best friends I dragged him into mine and Stampys room and grabbed my sewing kit from the cupboard I grabbed some yellow sewing material (idk what it's called) and said "The best way to learn is to watch someone else do it and then do it yourself with guidance from the other person of course" I pulled out the ironing board and used it as a table then sewed belongs to Sqaishey on the back of his onesie "Can I try now?" "Yeah pick a colour" he of course picked blue and I watched him sew he was really good at it "your a natural Squid". "You might just say I'm the champion of sewing!" He exclaimed in order to be funny I laughed and he finished the job then he did her jumper and went off to build the T-Rex then wrap it. I did Stampys jumper and grabbed my Christmas wrapping paper and went down to the living room to wrap presents with Squid. I did Stampys presents first because he is priority! I wrapped them all individually as I always found it more enjoyable when instead of wrapping them together there's more of a surprise! I wrapped his bracelet thing then the onesie and the jumper together. And then I wrapped his cat plushie I put little notes on them saying To Stampy lots of love Sqaishey xxx now it's time to build Nicole's Dinosaur squid had just finished his and he is now wrapping it. When I finished building it I wrapped it now it's time to wrap the blanket and plushie I got Squid (I'm adding a blanket in because it seemed un fair for Squid) I got him a red blanket that has tiny blue Squids on it "Squid I'm going into my room to wrap your presents so don't come in its a surprise!" "Yeah don't come in my room either I'm wrapping your presents!" We both hopped into our rooms and I grabbed his Plushie out of the cupboard I wrapped it then I wrapped the blanket. I brought them out to the living room and put them under the Christmas Tree then I wrapped my mum and dads kettle and then my brothers Star Wars thing me and Squid had both finished wrapping stuff and turned on the TV the news came on

N- News Reporter

N- There has been a car crash in Portsmouth

Me and Squid looked at each other both thinking the same thing

N- The car crash involved Mr Zactotary Martis Blue Sandua, Luke Tinney Nicole Blander (idk her surname correct me if you know) and Mr Joseph Garret.

Sq- No no no this can't be happening!


Stampys POV

Me and Nicole just finished shopping she didn't manage to get anything for Squid but decided what she got him was enough I was driving us home when I saw a car heading straight toward us it looked like umm it was I think Zack and Sqaisheys real father I tried to move but when I moved they moved then they jumped out of the car *BANG CRASH SMASH* "Sqaishey I love you" darkness surrounded me as I tried to keep my eyes opened I couldn't the pain was to unbearable.
Sorry for the cliffhanger but I felt like it was necessary

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