Your my Brother?!

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Sqaisheys POV

I woke up in Stampys loving arms, his curls were sticking up like crazy making me giggle a little. Today's the day we are going home. I'm sad and happy at the same time. I'm sad because we had so much fun on holidays but I'm happy because I get to make more videos and get some Stampy cuddles! His cuddles are best! You haven't lived until you have a cuddle with my KittyCake! That's sad for everyone except me and Stampys exes cuz I ain't ever giving up my KittyCake!


Touch him and I'll murder you.

Wow that got violent quick! Calm down Sqaish!  😂😂😂

Stampy began to wake up, slowly but surely. His eyes opened and immediately began searching the room, when his eyes reached mine he smiled and kissed my forehead. "Good Morning Duckie!" He chirped, sitting up "Good Morning KittyCake!" I replied, sitting up to kiss his cheek. "We are going home today." I said sadly "Aw don't be sad Sqaish, We will have plenty more MAC holidays!" Stampy reassured as he got up, I followed.

"I know, But y'know what I am excited for?" I asked rhetorically "Making more videos?" he answered "Yes and I get more cuddles from my KittyCake!" I exclaimed hugging him from behind. he turned around and embraced me. I stood up on my tip toes and planted a kiss on his lips, he looked into my eyes and smiled at me lovingly. "Shall we get ready?" I asked he nodded and I began getting changed.

Time Skip

I walked downstairs with Stampy, hand in hand. "Good Morning Sqampy!" Amy chirped "Good morning Amy!" I greeted happily. "SQUUUEEEEEE!" I heard Nicole squeal from the kitchen "What?" I questioned "SQAMPY IS HOLDING HANDS!" She screamed, I laughed. "STAMPS!" Squid yelled "What Nugget?" Stampy replied walking over to him.

"You almost forgot!" Squid exclaimed angrily "What did I forget?"

"ITS TIME FOR EGGS BOI!" Squid yelled putting bacon on our plates "Squid that's bacon!" Stampy said back "Same thing." Squid replied, we all laughed and sat around the table to eat our breakfast num nums!

magicanimalsmosher  knows what's up.
Time Skip to after Breakfast

"Sqaishey, Stampy, Nicole lets go gather up our stuff to go home." Squid said, we all nodded and raced towards the stairs, Stampy and Squid made it to the stairs first and began pushing and shoving at each other trying to get up first, they both shoved each other so far and me and Nicole saw our chance, we exchanged the 'lets go' look and we worked together to get up the stairs.

"Oi!" Stampy and Squid shouted up to us "Learn to work together with your best friend and maybe next time you'll win!" Nicole shouted down and we continued running up the stairs, giggling. Nicole ran into her and Squids room and I ran into mine and Stampys room. I grabbed my suitcase and started to raid the wardrobe of my clothes. Not gonna lie, I'm gonna miss this place.

"Getting straight to work I see." Stampy said from behind me, making me jump "Stamps! You made me jump!" I laughed "Aww I'm sorry, Love." Stampy apologized jokingly "Silly goose." I commented, turning around and poking his nose. "Hey! My username is stampylongnose not stampypokemynose!" Stampy whined "YOU HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR USERNAME TO THAT!" I squealed "Noooooooo!" Stampy laughed.

Your no fun!" I pouted "Sqaishey if I change my username to that you have to change your username to SqaisheyLikesMouldyBurritos!" "Noooooooo! Stamps!" I laughed. I finished putting my clothes inside of my suitcase and zipped it up.

Time skip to when they are done packing cuz no one wants to read bout dat.

I began wheeling my suitcase outside when I felt someone swipe it off me, I turned to see who it was, Stampy, Of course it's Stampy! He's such a sweetie! "No girlfriend of mine carries their own bag!" Stampy stated kissing my cheek. "Stamps your too sweet!" I giggled as he loaded my bag into the boot. "Anything for you my love." He smiled, I got up on my tip toes and kissed him, Stampy put his arms around my waist deepening the kiss.

I felt something poking the back of my head

"Hey, You!"

I heard the thick Yorkshire accent call from behind me I pulled away from Stampy and turned around to see quite a site.

Imagine this but Squids dressed up as him

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Imagine this but Squids dressed up as him

me and Stampy burst out laughing "Hey! You there girl!" Squid said in the poshest accent he could do "Me Mr Nugget?" I asked "Yes you! Stop harassing my friend!" Squid demanded bashing his stick against the ground, I laughed even more Nicole walked outside "Oh god....." She said, her head in her hands, "What is he doing now?" She sighed "Oh Nicole my dear! This young pedophile is harassing one of our many children, Joseph!" Squid stated shaking his stick towards me.

"Our what now?!" Nicole asked laughing "Our Child!" Squid said again, by this time me and Stampy had doubled over laughing. "Squid I got you that suit to wear on Halloween why would you bring it here?" Nicole asked, laughing. "Halloween? Excuse me?! This is my normal, everyday attire!" Squid said continuing to speak posh, Nicole just sighed "Well, I guess Squid is the guy from Jurassic Park for today." Nicole sighed.

"Indeed! Now, everyone get into my rocket ship we are going home!" Squid demanded "Wait! Where are the others?!" I asked "Oh they hopped on their brooms and flew away!" Squid informed "Sure they did Squid, sure they did." Stampy said laughing "I know they did you don't have to tell me, son." Squid replied. "Squid I'm not your son!" Stampy laughed "Oh how young and naive of you, Joseph." Squid sighed, shaking his head.

We just laughed, "I don't see what's so funny about Joseph Spencer being my son!" Squid defended pretending to be offended "Its Garrett, Squid!" Stampy laughed "No, and who is this Squid you speak of? My name is Nug Spencerson and this is my wife, Nicfalonza Spencerson." Squid announced, I squealed "AWWWWWW HUSBAND AND WIFE!" I squealed.

Stampy put his arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek "Joseph! Siblings don't kiss!" Squid screamed "Oh so now I'm your daughter? I thought I was some pedophile harassing Stamps." I laughed "Don't be ridiculous, Bethanola Spencerson!" Squid yelled "Squid! We aren't your children!" Stampy whined "Don't make me say your real name! JOPHES SPENCERSON!" Squid screamed.

"NOW GET INTO MY ROCKET SHIP AND STAY THERE CHILDREN!" Squid demanded "Yes Sir!" Me and stampy said in chorus and got into the back of Squids 'Rocket Ship' Aka his car. Stampy sat in the middle so we could sit together, He's the best! Stampy draped his arm over my shoulders and pulled me close to him. "We may be siblings now but I'm hoping that doesn't mean I can't kiss you." Stampy said happily

"Just as long as 'dad' doesn't see." I said emphasising dad. Stampy leaned in and kissed me passionately, placing his hands on my cheeks, we shared a deep passionate kiss until we heard the car door opening, and 'Dad' came into the car

"CHILDREN!" 'Dad' screamed.

Then We drove home.


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