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Stampys POV

I ran to Sqaishey I can't let her die I love her and this is all a big misunderstanding! I caught her as she pushed the chair from beneath her in an attempt to hang herself I put her down and she ran into the bathroom she didn't even know who saved her. Nicole looked at me relieved until she found a piece of paper which made her tear up she handed it to me and it said-

Italics= Sqaisheys Note Normal writing= Stampys thoughts

To My Friends and Ex Boyfriend Oh No were not together anymore!

I have decided it is not worth living through all this pain because forgetting him is like trying to know somebody you've never met and losing him is blue like I've never known he obviously doesn't love me anymore but I do! so I'm just gonna end it here no don't! I just want you all to know that I appreciate everything you've done for me even Joe. I will always love you Joseph Garret but just forget about me I'll only hold you and Melanie back I don't love Melanie! I'm sorry for causing as much trouble as I have and you'll be much happier without me No I won't! I thought you loved me Joe I do love you! and yes I'm using your real name because Stampy is a name that reminds me of happiness and love. I trusted you. Squid and Nicole thank you for caring about me and being my best friends. Anyways I'm off to purgatory maybe we will meet again in heaven

Lots Of Love Sqaishey XXXX

"No one will EVER love you Beth!" I heard her scream "Your a piece of SHIT who no one cares about!" I ran to the bathroom to try to explain what happened to see her falling to the floor blade in hand and blood gushing out of her arm she passed out and I picked her up not caring if she was getting blood on my shirt I payed her on her old bed and grabbed the first aid kit in her drawer I quickly got some cotton wool and held it on her cuts then I grabbed a plasters and placed them over the cotton wool then I grabbed an arm cast thing that holds everything there "Stamps what happened?" Nicole asked "I came into the bathroom and she was cutting herself then she passed out she could have died from blood loss!" I informed her "I'm sorry for getting really pissed at you earlier you probably have a reason so tell me please" "Well I was sitting editing a Quest episode in the living room and Melanie came though the window with a gun she pointed it at my head and said if I don't make out with her she will kill both me and Sqaishey she must have seen your car coming because she wouldn't let me free! And now it's all my fault Sqaishey tried to kill herself!" "Stampy it's not your fault and your the one who saved her from killing herself and you've bandaged her up! Even when you know she's not your girlfriend but I'm sure that will change when you tell her what happened Joe she never stopped loving you" "Thanks Nicole we need to wash her up but I'm not sure if she would be okay with me bathing her she might think I'm a creep what should I do?" "Well from what she tells me you've already seen her naked so just wash her I'm sure she'll appreciate being nice and clean when she wakes up" "Thanks Nicole" I picked Sqaishey up bridal style and layer her into my car because I was smarter than Squid and Nicole so I drove here I let Squid drive and I sat in the back with Sqaishey we arrived at the house and I took her into the bathroom I put a plastic bag around her arm and taped it up tight I undressed her being careful not to hurt her then I layer her gently into the bath I grabbed a sponge from the drawers so I don't have to touch her body because I would feel wrong then I grabbed the shampoo and rubbed it through her hair I rinsed it off then I did conditioner and grabbed her brush and I gently brushed the tats out of her hair then put her back in the water to get that off of her then I grabbed the sponge and squirted some body wash onto it I rubbed it on her body and put her back in the water to rinse off I pulled her gently out of the bath and dried her with a towel and I put her pyjamas on her and I took her into our room and dried her hair then I put it into a pony tail and carried her into the guest room just incase she doesn't fancy waking up beside me throughout all of this I noticed she didn't take her bracelet off so maybe she will let me explain. I tucked her into bed and kissed her forehead "Goodnight Duckie" I said and closed the door I sighed and walked into the living room "Stamps can you tell me how this all happened?" Squid asked me "I was editing a Quest episode and Mel came in the window she pulled a gun to me and said if I don't make out with her she will kill both me and Sqaishey but she must have seen there car because she wouldn't let go" "I'm sorry I shouldn't have judged you so quickly" he said "it's fine but now I've lost the girl of my dreams because I'm to weak" "I'm sure Sqaishey will be snogging you again soon Stampy" I laughed and went to bed but I was unable to sleep because of worry that Sqaishey won't take me back.

Time Skip

Sqaisheys POV

I woke up in Stampys guest room and got out of bed for breakfast I walked downstairs fed up of life Squid was making Bacon sandwiches and he handed me one "Thanks Squid" I said and slowly ate my sandwich "Sqaishey can you do me a favour?" "Sure." "Will you talk to Stamps please" "Why would I talk to him there's nothing to talk about" "Just let him talk about your relationship" "There is no relationship anymore Squid" "For me and Nicole just let him explain he actually has a really good reason for what he did" I sighed "Fine!" Stampy walked downstairs "Morning Stamps" Squid greeted him "Good Morning Squid,Sqaishey" I didn't reply and Squid gave me a look "Fine! Good Morning Joseph Squid wants me to let you explain your actions" "Can we talk in a separate room? Please?" "Fine." I sighed and followed him into our bedroom "This better be good" he opened up his computer to the security cameras and opened up yesterday's recording I saw Stampy editing something I think quest. Then Melanie came through the window and pointed a gun at him and said "Make out with me or you and Beth will die" so he did it for me. He looked at me anxiously and I launched myself onto him crashing my lips against his and ruffling up his hair "I love you" I said in between breaths "I love you to" he replied he slipped his tongue into my mouth we pulled apart "So are we back together then?" Stampy asked me I laughed "Of Course we are I love you!" We walked back downstairs hand in hand to Squid and Nicole sitting on the sofa I threw our hands in the air and said "SQAMPY IS BACK!" They whooped and cheered and we bowed I giggled and gave Stampy a quick peck on the cheek when I got inspired to write a song "I'm going to my office I just got a idea for a new song!" "Ok Babe" Stampy said and I ran upstairs before I lost the idea

Time skip because the song is a surprise

I came back downstairs happy with my new song "How did your song writing go Ducky?" Stampy asked me "Great I wrote a whole song and I think it's one of my favourites!" "That's great because I wrote some songs while you were on holidays so I've booked the hall we always go to so both of us can sing a bunch of songs tomorrow night!" "That's amazing KittyCake! Oh song idea!" I brought out my notebook and wrote the world spit me out and I was spinning around lost in the free fall forever going down and breaking through the ground when I thought I reached the end I start to fall again "That's Great Sqaish" Stampy said looking over my shoulder I tapped his nose "Sneaky cat" he pouted and I kissed his nose "Better?" I asked giggling "A little" he said and kissed my lips breaking us into a whole make out session we pulled apart "Now I'm better" he said and put his arm around me and I snuggled up to his chest. We both wrote a load of songs on our own notepads while we cuddled but I was taught to never surrender when it's hard to get up gonna fight til' I can stand and sayyyyy oh you can turn me down you can throw me now the harder I come harder I come back around you can break my heart but you can't scratch my name I can take the hit cause I'm a boomerang oh woah woah woah I'm a boomerang

Time Skip

Me and Stampy both wrote a LOT of songs it is now 2:00 and we are heading to bed "I missed you so much when we were on holiday" "I missed you too Duckie that's why I wrote so many songs because I was bored" "I'm so sorry I ran off before I let you explain yesterday" "It's not your fault if I walked in on you making out with another guy I would run away" "Well that will never happen unless it's like Zack forcing me and I can't get away" "Ok Duckie lets go to sleep I love you and I will never let you go" "I love you too Stamps and I won't let you go" "I love you Sqaishey" "We are really cheesy Stampy" "Well I suppose with all the drama yesterday I'm just glad you accepted me as your boyfriend again" "And I'm glad you accepted me as your girlfriend" "Night Night" "Nightie Night Kitty Cat" and we went to sleep

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