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Sqaisheys POV

I woke up in a similar position as yesterday with Stampys arms wrapped around me keeping me nice and safe I smiled I have the best boyfriend in the world he keeps me safe and happy. Stampy started to stir and his eyes opened he immediately smiled at me "Good Morning Handsome" I greeted "Good Morning Beautiful" we got up and went downstairs we poured out some coco pops (I accidentally said cock AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA)

Time Skip

"Hey Sqaish you wanna go on a picnic just us?" "I'd love that Stamps!" I ran upstairs and got changed and came back down excitedly Stampy had the Picnic all packed and stuff. He grabbed my hand and we left to walk too the Park. As we were walking I got lots of flashbacks of the day me and Stampy became Sqampy, Stampy being super duper nervous about asking me out and then our first kiss. I smiled "It's been so long since we first walked down this street together and we came back as Sqampy the best thing that ever happened to me happened right over there in that field." I said pointing to our field "Our minds are like one Sqaish because I was thinking the exact thing I love you so much and I would do anything for you" "I love you Stampy" Stampy turned me round to face him and pulled me into a deep kiss which I gladly accepted. We pulled apart and smiled at each other and carried on walking hand in hand.

I saw the park slowly coming into sight so I ran as fast as I could to get a spot beside the duck pond Stampy laughed and layed the Yellow and Orange people picnic blanket out he set down the basket and we went on the swings Stampy pushed me "I CAN FLY!!" I screamed then Stampy got on the swing beside me "WHEEEEEEEEE" we squealed happily laughing we carried on going really high we tried to high five each other when we were in the air but we massively failed and ended up falling off onto the grass beside each other laughing our asses off we stopped laughing and gazed into each others eyes Stampy leaned in and kissed me deeply and I kissed back and we got up and went to the climbing frame because no one else is here we have the whole place to ourselves! I climbed up the ropes and went down the slide Stampy following after me "WHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" We screeched excitedly. When I reached the bottom Stampy screamed "SQAISHEY LOOK OUT!" Then he fell on top of me "Ha ha ha haaaaaaa" Stampy laughed I giggled and tapped his nose "Silly Kitty Cat!" "OUCH!" Stampy pretended to be hurt I kissed his nose and he grinned at me and attached his lips to mine bringing us into another make out session I giggled as I realised he was still on top of me "Wha-- Oh" he laughed and got off of me he offered me his hand to help me up which I gladly accepted he pulled me up and we sat down at our picnic area and fed the ducks some bread Stampy had put in the picnic basket. We threw the last piece of bread to the ducks and Stampy put his arm around me and we lay down we just gazed up at the clouds with me snuggled into his chest "I have never been happier in my entire life until I met you" Stampy told me "I feel the exact same way, Stamps" We got our sandwiches out of the basket and ate in silence listening to the ducks quack. "QUACK!" Stampy squawked making us burst into fits of laughter when we calmed down we had some plain pasta and cheese because why not? (Rhetorical question don't answer it) we both had a small tub of it so we finished pretty quick Stampy handed me a piece of cake "Thank you KittyCake I know how hard it is for you to give someone cake instead of eating it all yourself! Stampy chuckled and we dug in I took a bite and noticed something silver and shiny in the middle of the cake. I pulled it out and it was a a a RING?!?!?!!? "Sqaishey do you PROMISE to always love me?" "I promise Stampy I love you sooooo much" I sprung forward and crashed my lips against his knocking him to the floor we pulled apart and Stampy slipped the promise ring onto my finger and I did the same to him I looked at the ring happily and then looked back at Stampy "This is the next step in our relationship Stamps and I don't think it will be the last step" "Definitely not" Stampy kissed my forehead and I sprung to my feet "TAG!!" I tapped him and started sprinting around the park him following close behind me I soon collapsed in a field from exhaustion Stanpy coming right down after me "Your a fast little Duckie aren't you" Stampy said out of breath I giggled and looked around "Stampy this is where we had our first kiss where Sqampy became a thing" "BEST FIELD EVER!" Stampy exclaimed I giggled "Well sure lets have our billionth kiss here too" Stampy said and crashed his lips against mine I gladly accepted and we made out for like 25minutes we pulled apart and Stampy screamed "TAG!!" And ran back to the picnic area we flopped down on our blanket and sat beside each other Stampy put his arm around me and pulled me in close to him so my head was against his chest and we watched the sunset together I saw Stampy texting Squid and I had a little sneaky peakie 'Squid she actually accepted it you were right! I'm so glad I took your advice I really thought she wouldn't accept it. Good Luck with Nicole! Thanks Mate' I looked back at the sunset pretending I didn't see anything and he bought it "It's really beautiful out here" I said "Not as beautiful as you" "Aww Stamps you flatter me" I giggled and we watched as the sun slowly left us in the dark under a light of a thousand stars that reminds me! In Stampys song Thinking out loud he told me to kiss him under the light of a thousand stars! "I owe you this" he looked at me confused and I kissed him passionately. We pulled apart and he said "I liked that and all but why do you owe it to me?" "In your song Thinking out Loud you told me to kiss you under the light of a thousand stars I'm a duck of my word Stamps!" Stampy laughed and lay down on the blanket I lay my head on his chest and let out a happy sigh we just stared at the stars in silence but it wasn't an awkward silence it was a peaceful silence. "Shall we get packed up?" Stampy asked I nodded and we put away our boxes into the Picnic basket and put the blanket away we looked up at the sky and saw a white bird oh wait that's Squids drone! "Stampy we are being watched" I said pointing to the drone "SQUID!!!!!" Stampy shouted up to the drone they quickly turned the drone around and drove it home I can just imagine him and Nicole panicking trying to get it back home. We started walking back home hand in hand.

Time Skip

"SQUID NICOLE WE ARE HOME YOU STALKERS!" Stampy screamed up to them they scurried downstairs and Nicole tackled me in a hug "Congratulations Quackers!" She squealed as Stampy and Squid covered their ears I joined in with the squealing and she shouted at me "SHOW DAT RING!" I showed her and she squealed "Oh Nicole! That reminds me!" Squid exclaimed he pulled a promise ring out of his pocket and said "Nicole do you Promise to always be mine?" "OF COURSE SQUID I LOVE YOU!" She squealed and kissed him passionately "Awwww Young Love!" Me and Stampy said together "Shut up you two only got the rings like 2hours ago!" Squid stated we shrugged and laughed then I hugged Nicole "CONGRATS NICKY!!!!" I squealed as the boys covered their ears again Nicole joined in on the squealing and jumping we calmed down "Phew. Thank god that's over my ears hurt!" Stampy exclaimed me and Nicole shrugged and giggled then we all headed up to bed.

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