Lots of Phone calls

180 12 9

Sqaisheys POV

I woke up at 10:30 am and had a shower I then got out and dried my hair which didn't take long as it is much shorter now I got dressed and went to have some breakfast. I wasn't in the mood to cook anything so I just stuck with Coco pops. I sat at the table and my phone buzzed.

🐱- Hey Sqaishey ready to record?xx

🐥- I'll be on in like 10 minutes I'm eating coco pops at the minute still have to do my makeup.xx

🐱- Ok Duckie I will get set up. And you don't need makeup you look beautiful without it.xx

🐥- Sys.xx

(See you soon)

I quickly finished my coco pops so I could do my makeup I ran into the bathroom

Step One: Clean my face

Step two: Put spot remover on my face (idk what it's called)

Step three: Concealer

Step four: Mascara

Step five: put everything away

(I hope I did that right I don't wear makeup yet I'm only 12 xD)

I went over to my Xbox and joined Stampys game and plugged in my mic "Hi Stampy!" "Hi Duckie" "Shall we start recording?" "Yep" "HELLLOOOOOO THIS IS STAMPY AND WELCOME TO A MINECARFT LETS PLAY VIDEO----"

Time skip

🐱- Well that's a few months of recording of Sky Den done Haha haaaa

🐥- Yeah shall we do super happy fun time now?

🐱- Sure

We logged onto the server and started the video "HELLO EVERYONE ITS ME SQAISHEY AND WELCOME BACK TO SUPER HAPPY FUN TIMES!!!"

Time skip

🐥- well I think that's a lot of backup videos done

🐱- Yeah I think we are sorted for the next 6months there Sqaishey!

🐥- I just love hanging out with you I didn't wanna stop

🐱- Yeah me too

🐥- *yawns* I think it's bed time we have been recording all day! It's like 9 now

🐱- Yeah oh And just so you know tommorow is Monday and that's when I do all of my series with Squid so I might not have time to Skype you tommorow

🐥- Ok I need to record Feather Adventures and Cake Quest anyways (I know cake quest is over😢)

🐱- Ok bye Sqaishey

🐥- Night Night Love you

🐱- Love you too Night night

And we hung up when my phone rang it was Mum

Sq- Hello?

M- Hello Hunni your on speaker by the way dad is here to

Sq- Oh hi Dad

D- Hello Beth

M- So what are you up to

Sq- Oh I'm just about to put on my PJs

D- Oh are you and Joe going to bed for the night

Sq- No Joe isn't here I'm at my place

M- Oh Baby did you break up I'm so sorry I hope your o---

I cut her off

Sq- Mum we didn't break up Its only that my two months at his place were up so I came back here

D- Are you sure your relationship is ok you can tell us anything

Sq- Yes Dad we are happy as ever we skyped all day and recorded like 6months worth of each serie we do together just because we wanted to play together my voice is breaking but it was worth it

M- That's great Beth good to know you two are still really happy together

D- Beth are you sure you two are doing ok

Sq- Yes dad everything is fine he knows more about me than you and Mum do

M- Beth what are you talking about what do we not know?

Sq- It's nothing it's over and done with now it was a long time ago

M- Beth!

Sq- I'm not talking about it Mum I will only get upset and I can't handle being upset without Joe here

D- Will you be talking to Joe tommorow?

Sq- No

D- Why?

Sq- He has to record with Squid and I have Feather adventures and Cake Quest

M- Squid?

Sq- Oh sorry I meant David sometimes I forget cause that's what we call each other

D- So who do you record those series with?

Sq- Well Feather Adventures I do by myself and I record Cake Quest with StacyPlays

M- So are you and Joe getting serious?

Sq- Yeah I say we are pretty serious well our relationship anyway but talking we are anything but serious

D- What do you mean

Sq- we talk about the most random things like the other day (this isn't in a chapter) we went outside to have a picnic but then we started talking about apples and then we had a competition to see who could eat a apple the fastest

M- I think that's the weirdest thing you have ever told me

Sq- it's really lonely here without him I'm back to sleeping on my own

D- Hold up! you sleep in the same bed?!?

Sq- Yes that's correct

D- Beth you have been together for two months and you already did it with him

Sq- Eww Dad we didn't have sex we just sleep the most intimate we have ever gotten is kissing

D- I'm not sure about this relationship anymore

Sq- Dad do you not trust me he saved my life

D- I suppose he did

Sq- This conversation is getting to awkward I'm gonna go

D&M- Bye

I hung up that was really awkward I put on my Pyjammas and lay in my bed and my phone rang (again) it was Nicole.

Sq- Hi Nicky how are you

N- Hey I'm fine but Stampy isn't doing so well he just seems so sad

Sq- Aww what's wrong with him?

N- I think he misses you

Sq- Aww that's so sweet I miss him a lot too

N- He sleeps with a picture of you beside him

Sq- I didn't know he felt that strongly about me I thought I was the only one

N- Definitely not he just seems so depressed Squid is really worried about him

Sq- So what's going on in your life?

N- Not much we have just been at the house most of the time because Squid has to record with Ash and you and Stampy recorded all day today

Sq- So how's your relationship going?

N- I think our relationship is getting stronger and stronger everyday

Sq- Same with me and Stamps I think he's the one for me

N- You two do seem perfect for each other

Sq- It's killing me not being with him

N- it's really sad over here without you

Sq- I better get to bed I have a lot of things to record tommorow

N- Ok night night Sqaish

Sq- Night Nicky

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