You Can't Have too Many Candles!

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Sqaisheys POV

I was editing an episode of feather adventures and looked at the date on my phone, to my complete and utter shock mine and Stampys anniversary is coming up very soon! It's the 17th of July and our anniversary is the 28th! I need to get him a present! I'll ask Nicole to go to the markets with me! Nicole rushed into the room, panicking "Sqaishey!" She said in a whisper.

"Sqaishey! Me and Squids 2 year anniversary is next month I need your help picking out a present!" She said, panicked "Oh my god same! Mine and Stampy anniversary is on the 28th!" I exclaimed "Lets get to the markets, girl!" Nicole exclaimed, I threw on my coat and we headed out the door, Stampy and Squid are recording today so I guess I can just text him.

We got into Nicole's car and began driving to the markets, I brought out my phone and texted Stampy.

Sqaishey: Hey Stamps me and Nicole are going shopping today. xx

Stampy: Okay Duckie. Love you. xxxxx

Sqaishey: I love you more!

Stampy: Sqaish you don't want to start this debate 😂

Sqaishey: Lol Stamps this is why I love you xxxxx

Stampy: Have Fun xxxxx

Sqaishey: You too xxxxx

I put my phone down and me and Nicole chatted about random stuff.

Nicole's POV (Wow Is this the first Nicole's POV?!?!)

Little does Sqaishey know that the cat put me up to this! He needed her out of the house to plan something very special for their anniversary, Well yes, I do need a gift for Squid but Stamps still put me up to it!

Sqaisheys POV

Me and Nicole arrived at the markets and immediately the smell of food hit us. Yummy. Incase you don't know what markets are they are liek stalls outside

Me and Nicole saw a burrito stand and looked at each other thinking the same thing, "BURRITO!" We squealed and ran towards the burrito stand (I don't liek burritos but Sqaish does so whatever)

"Hello, what would you two ladies like too order?" The man behind the counter asked "I'll have a burrito filled with pulled pork and beef." Nicole ordered "And Could I have the same as her?" I asked rhetorically, "Of course." The man said and made us two medium sized burritos. He put them into a takeaway box and handed them too us, "That'll be £6.25 please." The man requested, me and Nicole halved the price and paid.

We sat down on a bench and chatted about whatever came to mind whilst eating our burritos, "So, have you and Squid got anything planned for your anniversary?" I asked "No, Well, not that I know of." Nicole giggled "What about you and the Cat" "I don't really know to be honest with you. I'm sure we will do something I just don't know yet." I said happily, "Well I'm sure Stamps will organise something, he loves you too much not to do anything for your anniversary." Nicole told me with a look of 'knowing' on her face.

"Nicole..... What aren't you telling me?" I asked suspicious ""N-Nothing Sqaish!" She said quickly, her face looked like how every fangirl looks when they want to tell you something but can't.... Strange. She looked like she was about to burst out squealed at any time now, a small squeal escaped her lips and I gave her the 'I know you know something that I don't' look.

"Aaannnyywaaayyss...." She said, quickly changing the subject "Lets finish off our burritos and find something for the boys shall we?" She asked "Sure." I agreed, deciding to not worry about what Nicole knows, I'll get it out of her another time. We finished eating our burritos and started going round the stalls. There was a Yankee Candle stall that I just had to visit.

I went inside of the walk-in stall and looked at the candles, smelling them all as I went "This is like absolute heaven!" Nicole squealed picking up an ocean scented candle, well it was called an ocean scented candle but it smelt more like blue soap. "I want to buy this whole shop!" I squealed.

Incase you guys haven't noticed I love candles right now.

"Lets do it then!" Nicole said excited "Do what now?!" I asked "LETS BUY EVERY SINGLE CANDLE HERE! We got dem moneyz so we can do it!" Nicole squealed "Hmmm... I don't know how Stampy would feel about me buying all these candles....." I contemplated "Don't worry about him! He loves you too much to get angry about it!" She squealed "Yeah actually that's true.. LETS GET ALL THE CANDLES!" I said, giving in to Nicole's begging.

I walked up to the person who owned the shop "Hi Miss, We would like to buy one of every candle in this shop please!" I smiled, the girl looked shocked "Oh wow! I'll get them right away, Miss!" She said taken back, She got about 50 candle bags and started loading the candles into the bags, "Here let us help!" Nicole said and grabbed a bag, she walked over to the opposite end of the shop and started packing them, "Me too!" I squealed and started from the middle of the shop.

In no time at all we had about 100 small paper bags filled with Yankee Candles, "Urrmmm.... I think we are gonna have to drop these off to the car..." I laughed, Nicole nodded, "This is gonna sound weird but I have a wheel barrow you can use to take them too your car in." The nice woman offered "That would be lovely thank you so much!" Nicole squealed, the lady got her wheel barrow and we placed all the bags inside of it.

We began wheeling the candles over to our car, earning some strange looks from many people, "Nothing to see here people just a couple of lovely ladies taking a wheel barrow full of candles back to their car!" Nicole shouted, we both burst out laughing and soon we reached our car, we put all the candles in the boot and took the wheel barrow back to the lady, "Thank you so much!" I thanked "Oh gosh! Sqai--Beth we forgot to pay!" Nicole exclaimed, panicked.

"All together that'll be...... £212.41" The lady beamed "That's..... not as much money as I expected!" I chirped, handing her over the money, Nicole can pay me half the price later. "Thanks for shopping!" The lady said and waved us goodbye, we walked off, content with our purchase. "She's a very nice person!" Nicole exclaimed "I know right!" I squealed. "Do you think we bought too many candles Sqaish?"

"There's no such thing as too many candles, Nicky!" I exclaimed



It's been almost a month since I updated dis book.

Yeah I don't have a reason I just forgot.


Also the shopping will continue next chapter.

Hopefully the next chapter will be out quicker than this one 😂

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