Park and Fans

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Sqaisheys POV

We all decided that we are gonna go to the park today! There is a super cool one nearby with a zip line, a trampoline, swings, slides, Duck pond and much more! I got a notification on my phone-

~sqaisheyisqueen4 mentioned you in a post~

Oooo! I forgot to tell the rest of the MAC to follow the ISALEXLILYCARLANDRA girls! "MAC MEETING!" I shouted to get everyone to come over "What is it Quackers?" Amy asked "There are these five awesome fan pages that you guys need to follow!" I squealed "Follow: SqaisheyisQueen4, Mac._.Oreo2, mac.pumpkin.piee, sandraal1234 and magic.sqaish!" I squealed and everyone brought out their phones and followed them "Oh my god! Mac._.Oreo2s edits are amazing!" Rosie squealed "OH MY GOD MAC.PUMPKIN.PIEE'S EDITS ARE SOO COOL!" Netty squealed "Wow! Everyone take a look at sandraal1234's edits they are incredible!" Ash exclaimed with disbelief "OH GOSH! HOW DID MAGIC.SQAISH LEARN TO EDIT LIKE THAT!" Amy screamed "Ahhhhh You all HAVE to look at sqaisheyisqueen4's edits!" Nicole exclaimed

"Yeah, yeah guys I know how amazing they are!" I agreed. "Lets go to the park!" Amy stated running towards the door.

Le Magical Time Skiperoonies

We all ran into the park excitedly like children on Christmas Day! I immediately made my way over to the zip line followed by Stampy and Squid. They took over me and had a race to the zipline pushing and shoving at each other jokingly. They both made it at the same time and started fighting over the zip line "No Squid I wanna go first!" Stampy complained "ITS CALLED SQUIDS FIRST STAMPY!" "No It's ladies first squid!" "No it goes ladies first but Squids before Misses!" Squid argued "No it goes, Ladies first but Squids before Misses and Cats before the Squid on the hat!" *reference* "No it goes, Ladies first but Squids before Misses and Cats before the Squid on the hat unless the cat wears a cap!" Squid said back "But I'm not wearing a---" Squid took off his cap and put it on Stampys head and quickly hopped on the zip line while he wasn't looking. I burst into a fit of giggles as Stampy shouted at Squid "SQUID NUGGET YOU DIRTY CHEATER!" He screamed "TOUGH LUCK STAMPS!" Squid waved.

Squid threw the zip line seat back to Stampy and he got ready to get on, I saw my opportunity and hopped onto the seat "BYE STAMPS!" I screamed laughing. "GO SQUAYSHAY!" Squid said in his weird way of saying my name "WOOOO HOOOOOO!" I squealed and my seat landed beside Squidoodly I passed it back to Stamps laughing. "Sqaishey lets prank the Kitty" Squid whispered "Oh my god yes! " I whispered back "Follow my lead" He whispered "Okay." I whispered back "RUN!" Squid screamed and ran, I ran after him trying to hold in my laughter. I glanced behind me to see Stampy getting off the zip line and starting to run after us. "The Cat is off the zipline, I repeat, the cat is off the zip line!" I said in a detective-like-voice.

Me and Squid ran over to the swings and sat down "I love pranking my boyfriend!" I squealed laughing "Same!" Squid mocked in a girly voice "Haha I never knew you were hiding your real voice!" I joked going really high on the swing "Well there's a lot you don't know about me Duck." Squid said in the same voice I just laughed "Imma do a backflip!" I exclaimed and backflipped off the swing right into someone's arms, Surprise Surprise it was Stampy! "Hey Stamps!" I giggled, Stampy just kissed me smiling. "I can't believe My Best Friend and My Girlfriend teamed up against me to prank me!" Stampy said laughing "Well sometimes the closest people to you have to team up to get you good!" I giggled and Stampy put me down.

????? POV

"AAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" We all squealed, jumping up and down. "I CANT BELIEVE THEY ACTUALLY FOLLOWED US!!!!!" Lily screamed "I KNOW RIGHT!" I squealed "OH MY GOD!" Bella screamed "What?" Sandra questioned "LOOK!" Alex squealed pointing at..... wait...... IS THAT STAMPY AND SQAISHEY?!? "Is it really?!" I said in disbelief, Alex nodded, speechless. Wait DID I JUST WITNESS SQAMPY KISS?! "OH MY GOD WE JUST WITNESSED SQAMPY KISSING!" I screamed at my fellow Potatoats, we all squealed "WAIT IS THAT SQUID?!" Lily question-screamed "OH MY GOD IT IS!" Sandra screamed "Wait...... THE REST OF THE MAC ARE WALKING OVER TO THEM!" Bella screamed "Nicole, Amy, Ash, Rosie, Netty, Tom, Finball..." I said in disbelief "HAVE WE DIED AND GONE TO HEAVEN?!" Alex questioned "I DONT KNOW BUT LETS JUST GO MEET THEM ALREADY! GIRLS GET ALL THE STUFF YOU WANT THEM TO SIGN READY!" Sandra screamed "Good job we brought all the stuff we want them to sign incase of this possibility." I stated "They are essential to be fair!" Lily said.

Sqaisheys POV

"Do you guys hear squealing?" Squid asked "Come to think of it, yeah" Nicole agreed kissing his cheek the squealing got louder and louder until 5 girls appeared in front of us, There was a girl with blue eyes and light blonde hair, she had an iBallisticSquid backpack, There was a girl with browny/blonde hair and blue eyes <I think sandehs eyes are blue> and a sketchasaurus backpack, There was a girl with jet black hair brown eyes and a stampylongnose backpack, there was a girl with blue eyes and blonde hair but it was a darker blonde than the other girls blonde she had a ME BACKPACK, And there was a girl with brown hair and brown eyes with a NettyPlays backpack! They are obviously fans! "Hello are you guys fans?" I asked "Yeah!" They all said together "We are the girls you followed earlier!" The black haired one said "Oooooo I love your edits! What's all your names?" Amy asked "I'm Lily but the girls call me LOLLEH." The girl with light blonde hair said "I'm Sandra but the girls call me Sandy!" The girl with Blonde/Brown hair said "I'm Alex but the girls call me Oreo!" The girl with black hair said "I'm Carla otherwise known as Reference Queen or Carlzoos" The girl with darker blonde hair said "I'm Isabella but the girls call me Bella!" The girl with brown hair said "And together we are" Lily said "ISALEXLILYCARLANDRA!" They all squealed "Or Potatoats..." Carla added.

"PotatOATS?" Stampy questioned, they all nodded and giggled "Do you mind me asking why?" Stampy laughed "No not at all it confuses everyone!" Alex laughed "We met all met because we were all writing funny stories about the MAC on an app, and I commented on a girl called Kirsten's Funfiction and Oreo replied to me and told me she loves my book and asked me to read hers, so I did and one time she said potato in her book so I just commented potato for no reason and then the girls all replied and we named random things for about 6 days and then we made an Instagram group chat and became internet best friends and one day we were playing roblox and started talking about oats so we just mixed them together" Carla explained "That's the best way to start a friendship!" Squid announced and we all laughed "This is actually our first time being together in real life!" Bella said happily "And we get followed by our idols and we see them!" Sandra squealed.

I like these girls they are cool.

"Do you want us to sign anything?" Netty asked and they all nodded, eagerly opening up their bags. Carla came up to me and Stampy with a whole bunch of stuff to sign, we signed them and she thanked us, then Alex came up to us with her load of stuff then Sandra, then Bella and then Lily while the others got other things signed by everyone else.

Time Skip

Wow that took half an hour! They sure do own a lot of merch and we got a whole box of fan art! "I forgot to ask you guys who's instagram is who's." Netty said happily "I am SqaisheyisQueen4!" Carla squealed "I am mac.pumpkin.piee" Bella squealed "I'm Mac._.Oreo2!" Alex chirped "I am Sandraal1234!" Sandra exclaimed "And I am Magic.Sqaish!" Lily said excitedly "And We have a collab account called those.mac.memes!" Bella informed happily, all of the MAC except me brought out their phones to follow it. "Sqaishey why aren't you following?" Nicole asked "I've already followed it." I chirped.

"Thank you all so so so much!" Carla exclaimed "This has been the best day of my life!" Lily chirped "Same!" The rest of the girls squealed "Lets get a picture!" Bella exclaimed bringing out her phone and we all huddled in around her phone and smiled, she took the picture and we did a silly face picture and Bella thanked us. "Wait do you not want to get one on everyone else's phones?" I asked "No it's fine we will get Bella to send it too us!" Sandra said happily. Lily looked at her watch "Uh guys we need to go home..." Lily sighed "Awwww!" They all moaned "Girls lets exchange numbers so we can hang out again!" I squealed, their eyes lit up and they gave us all their numbers and we gave them ours! "Bye Girls!" We all said as they all ran off to their taxi.

What a great group of girls.

I like this chapter a lot. I wonder why 😂



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