Moving in

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Sqaisheys POV

I was sitting on the sofa with Stamps when I had an idea "Hey Stamps do you want to visit my parents house they don't live far from here?" "Sure why not" "Let's start packing I will be on clothes and toiletries duty and can you get Pillows and Plushies?" "No problem" I went and grabbed my suitcase and dragged it into my bedroom I opened up my wardrobe and started pilling stuff into my giant suitcase once I was done with that I opened up my cabinets to pack Pants Socks and Bras then I got a plastic bag and put all my makeup and spot treatment things in then I put the bag into my bigger bag I then collected all of my shoes and put them in. Now is the hard part my Big Mac (sounds like a McDonalds burger xD) last time I only took the laptop version I took out all the leads and put them in a separate bag neatly so they didn't get tangled I walked into the kitchen to my bubble wrap drawer (because everyone DEFINITELY has one) and grabbed all of my bubble wrap to protect the screen I went into my wardrobe and grabbed a big box I placed two layers of bubble wrap then my PC then I put four layers of bubble wrap and placed my Xbox 360 on top of it putting my remote beside it then I did two layers of bubble wrap and placed my keyboard (the computer one not piano) and put in my computer mouse. I then put four layers of bubble wrap and closed the box. I started taking things out to the car starting with the big box I walked down the stairs being very careful not to trip and put the box in The boot of the car. I went back upstairs and grabbed my suitcase brought it downstairs and put it in the boot I then went back up and grabbed my guitar and my keyboard(the piano one this time) I took them downstairs and did the same again and then Stampy emerged from the apartment building carrying two bags which he loaded into the car "Let's go back up and check we got everything" we walked up stairs hand-in-hand and opened the door it looked so empty I walked into my room and looked around nope nothing so I grabbed the key and locked it and went out to the car. "Will we visit my parents too?" Stampy asked "Sure kitty cake " we drove to my parents house

We knocked on the door

D- Hi Beth Hello Joe

Sq- Hi Dad


We sat in the living room and Mum came down

Sq- We have some news

M- What is it Beth?

Sq- Joe and I are.... Mum interrupted me



Sq- CHILL! We aren't getting married! If you would have let me finish you would of known I was gonna say Moving in together

M- Sorry darling that's great! When did you decide

St- We had a picnic yesterday and I just asked her to move in with me David and Nicole

I froze as I looked out the window Zack stood there staring at me "S-Stampy" I whispered "Sqaishey what is it?" Stampy said out loud "Z-Zack" "What about him?"  "The window he's at the the window" (extra words are necessary for dramatic effect" I said a little louder he made a cut throat sign "HES GOING TO KILL ME!"

St- Not over my dead body

D- Who is going to kill you

Sq - ZACK! I started crying

St- *starts singing quietly to Sqaishey while looking her in the eyes* And all my walls stood tall painted blue and I'll take em down I'll take em down and open up the doors for you

Sq- And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies

M- What are you two saying

Sq- It's nothing just talking

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