Flour Fight

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Sqaisheys POV

Me and Stampy woke up at 12:00 so that means we got 8hours of sleep (maths skills on point) we were in our onesies I brushed my hair and we hopped downstairs (accidental rhyme) to have breakfast Squid made pancakes! (Yuck!) He handed me and Stampy a plate and we thanked him and sat at the table to have breakfast I burst out laughing and I didn't know why then everyone else joined in "What are we laughing about?" Squid asked "I don't know!" That made us laugh even more we eventually calmed down and took our plates over to the sink.

Squid and Nicole went upstairs and me and Stampy started jamming out to 'Pretty Girl' by PewDiePie we danced to it at Christmas but we just love it so much.

We used our hands as microphones and began to sing "Everyone can be who they want to be even a duck! Even a duck!" We stopped singing and did epic dance moves around the Living room I jumped on Stampys back and he gave me a 'kitty-back' ride around the room we just spun around "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" I squealed when we turned around my Mum and Dad was looking at us "Mum, Dad what are you doing here?" I asked as Stampy put me down and we stopped the music "I came to see how my daughter was doing" "Stamps we are going out to town we'll be back by dinner" Squid told us "Ok guys" "BYEEEEEEE" we all said in our outro voices they left and we sat on the sofa "So what's going on with you two?" My mum asked "Pretty much the same thing just havin' fun" "And what's this break up thing you talked about last night" my dad said VERY bold "Oh that it's not serious everything's back to normal now" me and Stampy smiled at each other and he put his arm around me. "NOT SERIOUS?!? Beth you tried to kill yourself!" "He was the one who saved me Dad" "if it wasn't for him you wouldn't have attempted it!Beth he cheated on you I don't think you should be together anymore" "One- Joe was forced to kiss her Two- He saved me after I broke up with him and Three- I would have been dead a long time ago if I hadn't of found his channel it was the night I found his channel I was getting ready to hang myself but I got a YouTube notification a recommendation for Stampys channel and I stopped trying to kill myself" Stampy looked at me in disbelief and I nodded my head "Sorry dear we honestly just came up to see you two this was not my intention Steve! Stop trying to break them up!" Then *sigh* Melanie came in the window I sprinted to the drawer with the gun "Ha you little bitch you don't have the guts to shoot me your just a stupid little duck who thinks she has a chance with a cat" I grabbed the gun and pointed it at her Stampy came running over to me and stood in front of me "Mel get out of my apartment I don't love you" Stampy hissed "Oh come on Babe you know you want me" "Why would I? Your a psychotic bitch who I never should have gotten involved with" Melanie started walking towards him she leant in for a kiss and Stampy stood back and pushed her to the ground "I don't love you Melanie Candy I love Sqaishey Quack!" "Huh this piece of trash over this" she said pointing to her body "Ya huh" "I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU COMING IN THAT STUPID WINDOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY APARTMENT MELANIE AND STOP TRYING TO STEAL MY MAN!" I screamed at her my finger on the trigger she slowly backed away and went out the window I locked it and put the gun away then happily skipped back to the sofa my parents sat there in shock. Stampy plopped himself down beside me and I leant my head on his chest "Beth this man is putting you in danger you are not staying with him anymore he is bad for you and I refuse to let you be with him" "Oi Oi Oi Oi You can't take Beth away from me I love her and I will never let her go" "AWWW" My mum cooed and Stampy put his arm around me my dad got up and grabbed my leg trying to pull me away from Stampy I clung onto him as if I was going to die and Stampy held me tight "Steve Stop! What they have is beautiful true love and you will not take her from him he treats her like a Princess and has saved her life on numerous occasions and you think that's a bad relationship?" "But Linda they sleep in the same bed!" "I will sleep with who I want to sleep with Steve and I want to sleep with Joe and I don't care if you think that's inappropriate I find it comfortable and relaxing" "You can't call me Steve you call me Dad!" "Well Steve you are not my real dad I will call you dad when you start being supportive and stop treating Joe like shit! It's not fair when he's nothing but good to me!" "But Beth!" My dad moaned " Get out of my apartment Steve mum can stay if she likes but you are not staying I got up and grabbed his hand pulled him over to the front door and pushed him out my mum followed behind and left with Steve. I sighed as I sat next to Stampy "Are you OK?" Stampy asked "Yeah" I said snuggling up to his chest he kissed my forehead and I crashed my lips onto his he seemed startled at first but then immediately kissed back we pulled apart and he laughed "What! I have had enough of forehead kissing I wanted some lip on lip action!" I exclaimed trying to keep a straight face but he made a silly face and I burst out laughing when I had calmed down he got up and held his hand out to pull me up I took it and we walked to he kitchen "What are we making?" I asked "Let's make cake!" Stampy cheered I giggled and got the ingredients eggs, milk, and now to get flou--- never mind Stampy just threw it all over me "KittyCake!" "Flour Fight!" Stampy screamed "OH ITS ON CAT!" We grabbed a bunch of flour and started attacking each other with it while screaming "AHHHHHHHH" we were running about the kitchen like mad men or cats and ducks and *sigh* of course I had to trip I fell onto Stampy knocking him to the ground "Sorry Stamps!" I exclaimed he just laughed which made me laugh us still in the same position he leaned in and kissed me passionately I did the same back I realised we were both covered in flour half way through our make out session and kept giggling in between breaths because he had flour on his nose he pulled away "What's so funny?" He questioned,puzzled "You have flour on your nose he went to wipe it off but I said "Don't worry I'll get rid of it" I giggled and licked it off his nose and we went straight back to making out he is definitely the one I want to spend the rest of my life yet I may only be 19 but when you know you know. But that probably isn't going to happen for a long time.

We pulled apart and got off of the floor realising how much of a mess we've made and we used all the flour so I guess no cake for us! "Well we used all the flour so no cake for us!" Stampy exclaimed "Oh my god I was just thinking that!" We laughed and got out the Hoover and wiped down the kitchen once we were done cleaning we had a shower together yes we showered together we see each other naked on a daily basis anyways and there's only one shower in this house.Then we heated up some frozen pizzas for the four of us and put theirs in the oven so it isn't cold when they eat it. We cuddled on the sofa and watched the Simpsons while eating our Pizza. Squid and Nicole came in "Hey guys your dinner is in the oven go get it" I told them they nodded and raced to the kitchen I laughed at their silliness and they joined us in the living room.

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