Chapter II : Have I lost The Only Happiness I Had ?!

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Third Person P.O.V
Later that night, after Goku was placed in his sleeping quarters. Vegeta ran outside of the house, crying. Making little shrieks here, and their, with every step he took.
Without the site to see, from the tears that clouded his eyes, he trips over a stone in the field.
In great exasperation, he stood up, raising the planted bolder out of the dirt, tossing it beyond a couple of mountains to the east. He then collapses on to the grass intentionally, with his limbs spread out.

He laid their all alone, in the same pasture he had been with Goku on many occasions. His snivels gets louder, with the agonizing pounding flashes of images. The broken tape recorder, repetitions the scenario over and over again, in his mind. As if it were a black and white horror film.

With the words as well as actions are repeated, Vegeta becomes incensed with himself. Thoughts of doubt, despondency crept into his mind, mixed with pondering of what the Saiyan was thinking of him.

'It's no wonder he looks down on me, for treatment I brought upon him in the past. I don't deserve to be embrace or loved by such a just a disgusting, nugatory fag, that shouldn't have anyone take any heed too.. How could I have envisages this, to even be considered feasible. Kakarot will never love me, I was a fool to hold such aspiration'

With that, he rolled over to his left side, clawing the grungy dirt in his palm's. The streaming tears didn't evanescent, no. They poured, without any solicitude of the world.

In the Prince's childhood, he was always shown that visible emotions weren't permitted. The only emotions that were acceptable for a saiyan warrior, apoplectic. Rage...
Shedding tears was for the weak, that all they would've know. That was the code they lived by. This was one of those aspects that made them strong defenders, fighters of their race.
But Vegeta wasn't on Planet Vegeta, this is earth. The only variance between the links, was...
Earth wasn't blown up to smithereens, it was empty, all humans were eliminated.

Planet Vegeta was eradicated, annihilated, Obliterated, wiped off the map.

This was the second time, this prideful warrior, Prince of no one...Had Lost It All.
The saddest part, is that he never got to say goodbye to his dear Father, the King. King Vegeta would always indoctrinated him, teaching him the culture, and the morals of their kingdom. The King was a strong, wise, intimacy ruler who truly looked out for his subjects. The City's people would all assembled in a straight line before him, which lead back to the town. Every inconvenience faced by the society, were brought forth to the King.

Vegeta would be presently on the side of his father's throne, taking in metal notes. As he observed how things where handled in the palace.

The Prince only turn out the way he did, under the teachings of Frieza. That's when Vegeta became inhuman, being very callous to his peers, the people around him. But with all his battles fought an won, age progressed...Frieza constantly reminded him of his ranking.

He grow in the shadows of dismay, for years under the dominance of Freiza. Not until Goku came into the picture.

If it wasn't for the goofball, nothing would have changed

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If it wasn't for the goofball, nothing would have changed. Freiza still would've been potentate, instructing the saiyans to do his dirty bidding, commanding warriors to invading other planets across the galaxy...the homes of life forms.
Killing billions of thousands, who didn't even earn the right to be slaughtered like animals.
People... children, murdered..without the slightest trend of clemency.He made them exterminated the lives of the innocent without a valid reason, covering thier hands in cold blood of the people they massacred.

The hero, that fell out of the sky, terminated the dreadful cycle.

In the last hours, Vegeta's sniveling were soothed

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In the last hours, Vegeta's sniveling were soothed.He ended it, in the state of tranquillity, all those pent up emotions of anxiety, and discontent, was unraveled that night. Snapping out of his trances, he finds himself gazing at weeds. He immediately shifts to his back.
Gradually he stood up, stretching those aching stiff muscles, followed by the dusting of the filth on his spandex shorts. Before he few off, he checked his wrist watch for the time. It was 11:00pm, the time when he skedaddled away was only 7:00pm. His eyes widen, of what he saw, and commented saying...
" Shit !, look at the time !, how could I've left that imbecile for so long !? "
Vegeta blasting into the air back to the house,with tremendous amount of speed. Hassling through the same passage way , he meat the fool fast asleep.

Vegeta P

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Vegeta P.O.V
" To think I rushed back here for this clown, well... at least he's okay "
Feeling kinda stupid at the moment, my cheeks began to feel hot, burning in a rosy color. Signing to myself, I walked up to the bed, seating myself on a mahogany stoll next to him. Arching my back over, resting my upper body onto the bed, once again passing my fingers through his spiky black hair. This was my ritual, that I would execute to have some form of unity with him. Some people might call it weird, but this is my way of having closure.
As my fingers uninterruptedly rustle up his hair, I suddenly heard him say...
"...Chichi "

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