Chapter XVI : "Who Are You?"/ "Am Not Him"

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Vegeta P.O.V
" ....Just who the heck are you ? "
My shoulders jolted to the abrupt sound of his rasping vocals, snapping my lids open I turned over my attention to him at once.

" Huh?..."
I replied, not recalling anything he had said moments ago, completely lost over here.

" Who are you exactly?, you look..and sound just like my
lover "
He questioned changing his tone towards me again. Kakarot had now lifted that frowning face of his for me to see, and honestly he had me completely astonished. I've never seen him do anything so cute, hence they were other moments but this one takes the cake.

From his ears to his cheeks were powdered heavily in a rosy pink blush, his shiny blond bands were messy, the blond strains poked out in every direction.The doubtful dewey blue eyes that appeared to be glistening in the raws of light, his sparkling innocence. And lets not forget those perked pink lips that pouted slightly in its frown, needy of a good suck.

He's so cute...

I pondered finding myself lost within those powerful neon eyes again, I just couldn't help but smile, I wanted him to want me. If I couldn't have the first then why not the second?, zapping me back to the present I heard him shouting my name.

" Vegeta !"
He yelled again, getting up from his chair, he paces forward to remotely swing his body in one quick motion to sit on the edge of the bed next to me. Having one boot hanging from the floor while the other planted itself on the hard tiles beneath, he sat not to far from my hips but close enough to steel a kiss.

He's even more gorgeous up close

I thought sucking in a breathe as he was leaning forward towards me. My aching heart had skipped a beat, the heat upon my face grew, from my forehead to my chin screamed pink, I didn't think he'd come so close to me. He's too close...

I wanna die...

I thought, sucking in and biting my lip, just staring at him in awe.

" So your not gonna answer me? "
He questioned, the words rolled out of his mouth so cool, almost as if he was flittering with me. In addition he lift his left eyebrow puzzled, sometimes I wish I could walk around with a camera slung around my neck, just to snag a couple pics of him.

" Um, well I-I uh.. "
I stuttered, tripping over my words as I'd do so often with my own shoe laces if given the chance, I was utterly lost for words. Right about now I was biting to draw blood unknowingly, bruising my bottom lip, blood was ozing from the small wound. Reaching out towards me his soft gaze fell upon the bruised area, lifting his thumb to assist aid he whips the liquid in one sweep, gliding his thumb on the surface ever so gently. Soon he extracts his finger tip's from me, his gaze reverts back to me as he pulls his thumb closer to his lips. Rolling out his tongue like the snake he is, he passes the red substance on his tongue.

Oh kaka...

Focused blues continue to stare as he extracts himself from his now moist finger, awaiting in the silence for an answer am afraid to confirm.

" Am waiting, talk to me... "
Almost crooning his commanded it came out so gentle, so mellow. He can be compared to the angels, but he rants like the devil's child theirs no denying that. Geezs for someone who likes to bitch alot sure has a nice reck. Wait a minute...

He sounds just like me!...he doesn't really act like the sweet Kaka I know and love!

" Am not that  'Vegeta' "
I replied calmly.

" I knew it. Your not my Vegeta-...he-he's-...gone "
He stuttered, racking as he did he had little to no control over his tears. The man was broken.

Third Person
" Am so sorry... "
Vegeta had voiced his apology in full pledged remorse, never had he felt so distaste about his own transactions. If only their were a way to rectify this situation, caught up in his own egocentrical ways he was blinded by his own selfish desires that he couldn't 't see the broken man in front of him. These days the words "I'm sorry" tend to slip out of his mouth so easily, like it were second nature, in the past they'd always have some sort of debate before the words were voiced from his lips. So stubborn and arrogant, and possible block headed too. They were just words to him back then, they held no sentimental value.

To him they were the " Off Switch "too bickering hangs. Couldn't blame him though,  Saiyans weren't really good at expressing emotion, it just isn't in their blood. But some how these two manga to override that vicious cycle. 

" Why did you lie? "
Kakarot asked confused, sniffing as he did. Making it harder for the warrior to speak, the poor man now has to deal with a lost of a love one. He didn't deserve this, but now he has to deal with it. What kind of cruelty is that?

" I want to experience being loved by the person whom I love... "
A shallow voice spoke through Vegeta's lips, so afraid to be heart broken again by the same person a second time. He whispered the secret to himself, remembering the pain that left bruises upon his weak heart. How many hits could it take to kill him?

" So you though it was okay to screw with 'this one'?.. Hm? "
Kakarot's voice harden with sarcasm, not bothering to hide his bitterness. His festered heart ached for his love, what did Vegeta honestly think he was only one?, he had his fair share of pain too, it was served raw on a sliver platter before him. At least that Karkarot was alive. 

Hot tears began building once more in his eyes, the cruel memories surfacing his mind, they were fresh as spring. It was just a couple hours that he held him within his grasp. In his hands. It was just a few hours ago...

" No!, am sorry... I really didn't want to hurt you! "
Raising his voice Vegeta tried to explain himself to his love. Practically pouring out his soul...

" That 'me' didn't share the same feelings... Did he?  "
His retort beamed through Vegeta's ears, his words pierced Vegeta's heart. The truth hurts, their no escaping it, you can't out run it. Trust me he has tried...

Much to his own chagrin, Vegeta remain mute to the comment. Their was nothing that could to be said, to ashamed to even dare. Shaking his head disappointed as he knew the answer to his own question, springs bellowed as Kakarot then stood up from the bed. Watery eyes trail his movements as he made his way around the chair to the door, stomping boots  against the tile, the echo rang against Vegeta ears.

It was happening again. Kakarot was rejecting him. The door nobs turns and opens, walking out he turns in a swing glancing briefly before bowing his head, he pulls the nob slamming the door shut.

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