Chapter XIV : Swooping My Reality

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Vegeta P. O. V
" Vegeta!? .. Vegeta wake up baby!.. Please! "
My eyes fluttered opened to blurry vision, I saw a figure in front of me, some what with the same outline shape as Kakarot.

The spiky hair, the orange and blue, it can't be....
As I squinted my eyes I said.

" Ugh...Kakarot? "
I questioned before my frame is wrapped promptly with tender muscular arms.

" Don't ever scar me like that! , I almost though I lost you "
My eyes widen dumbfounded to the sensation of his heat and body pressing against my thin layers of skin. My poor racing heart was bouncing against the cage at a dangerous pace.

Slugglishly he withdraws from the heart felt gesture, meeting me face to face.

" Kakarot...? "
I said surprised, witnessing the tears cascading down his pale cheeks, his eyes were blood stain red. Unknowingly my hands reach out to cares his cheek gently, swiping the next tear that travels. His aqua blue eyes staring into my soul, never losing site of my black ords.

It was like he couldn't believe I was here?... But this.. Non of this makes any sense?

I pondered as my hand fell from his face to meeting my side, I pressed against the mattress trying sit up to get up.

" No please baby.. You need rest, you've been
through a lot "
He informed helping me revert into the laying down position slowly I was in before .

" What happened?, where am I? "
I questioned feeling quiet anxious, scrutinizing my surroundings it appeared as if I was in the same old stationary hospital room in Capital Corporation.

The same bed...Kakarot.

" I need to go home... "
I stated a bit antsy, gripping the covers I throw them to the side of the bed. Still endeavoring with these weak limbs and failing to sit up. What a joke...

" You can't go home, Bulma says your not ready..."
His response bombed through my ears, the shock waves paralysed my body, giving kakarot the opportunity to lift me back into bed.

Bulma is alive?, If she's alive then that means... ?!

"... Is T-Trunks "
I hic, unshed tears began making their appearance at my corners.

" Yes Vegeta... Everyone made it, you saved earth "
He stated as his eyes became glassy with tears, while his warm palm's were place upon my stomach consoling me.

But the Kakarot I left behind... Who is this guy really?
I thought scrunching my eyebrows confused.

This would have to be some sort of trap, a game, and illusion...I gotta get out of here. Kakarot needs me.

" What's wrong Geta? "
He questioned tilting his head slightly puzzled with my behavior, before he tugs and scoots the chair behind him too sit. His attention zaps back to him, neon blue ords held a soft gaze within them, every now an then he'd bow to whip a spilled tear from his corners.

" Am sorry if am acting kinda... You know "
He apologized while his left hand rubs the back of his neck nervously.

" weird? "
I attempted.

" Yeah..."
He confirmed awkwardly, pulling his arms from his neck in one swipe of his palm, falling back into the clasp position, with his elbows pressing against his knees having his back hunched over.

" I just can't believe... "
He stated, a lost for words.

" That am alive?.. "
I confirmed once again, watching him lift his eyebrow as the corn's of his lips tugs in a smirk.

Isn't he a work of art?, how cute...
Powdered blush surfaces my cheeks bring heat to my skin, Kakarot always had his effect on me, I could never escape it. Whether he was a clone or the real thing.

I can't stay here...
The thought ripped throw the moment ruthlessly, ripping through the skin like shits of paper.

I need to get out of here.. This isn't right, did I knock my head?, must've hit that shit hard.

" Vegeta... How are you feeling? "
He asked, some tension rubbing off on his vocals, clearing his throat as tries to start a conversation.

" Why do you call me these pet name Karkarot? "
I asked without a second thought, he lean back in the chair chuckling, but once he notices my expression he hushes, his facade breaks, cracks of his frown runs through the glass.

" Your joking right? "
His eye lids pulled back in utter fear, his voice was particularly coated in it, drenched in its essence...

Getting up from the chair he got up, his fingers running through his blond golden hair as he released a heavy sign. Keeping his hands upon his head, while his attention turned to the ceiling as
he commence to paste back and forth not once but twice heavily on the poor white tiles.

what did I say?, did I say something wrong?
I question myself staring at him in full motion.

" Am sorry-... "
I apologize.

" what's the last thing you remember Vegeta? "
He turned, stepping closer to bed as he questions me. His stern focus eyes searching mine as I fumble to find the right words, if he had only knew the truth things would go haywire in just a couple of minutes. So I lied...

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