Karma Akabane | Lil' Kitty »2«

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Requested by: @Dramaqueen2905
Part 2!
(F/N) First Name
(F/C) Favorite Color
Your POV
We slowly parted away. My face still bright red. His lightly tinted pink, smiling. He hugged me once again.
"I love you too Karma." I kissed his cheek and then we were called to get back to class. I started walking towards the classroom as Karma took my hand in his and turned me around to face him.
"Skip school with me. Please?" I smiled and agreed to skip with him. We decided to get lunch at a café, which was nice. We went inside and sat down in a booth. Soon the waiter came and took our order.
"So what would you two love birds like this afternoon?" I giggled and placed my order, along with Karma after me. We both ordered tea with a slice of strawberry cake. It was a little awkward but seeing Karma smile at me comforted me. I always smiled back, loving his adorable smile.
Our order came in and we ate peacefully. After eating and paying we decided to go to the mall to go shopping. We held hands while walking around going to different stores, trying on clothes, and buying stuff. Karma was such a sweetheart and bought me a few pieces of clothing. Me returning the payment with kisses. Karma is such a sweetheart no matter what people say.
We spent the rest of the day shopping and we even saw a movie. It was one of the best days of my life. But like every day it slowly came to an end. He decided to walk me home, now knowing I left because of my parents. We arrived at the front of my house, I hugged him and gave him a goodnight kiss.
"See ya tomorrow Karma. Love you~" I smiled and waved as I went inside and closed the door behind me. My parents waiting for me in the kitchen. I happily skipped pasted them and went to my room. I jumped on my bed and eagerly hugged my pillow. I was extremely ecstatic about the events that happened today. So happy that I fell asleep without realizing it.
My phone alarm woke me up. I checked the time to make sure I wouldn't be late, considering we had a school assembly today. I heard that Karma usually doesn't go to them but I begged him to come yesterday and he agreed to go. I put on the schools uniform, brushed my hair and teeth, went to the kitchen, kissed my parents cheeks goodbye and headed off to school.
I walked up the mountain and finally reached the school. Everyone was outside waiting for the rest of us to come so we could leave as a group. I didn't see Karma there which means he probably won't come. I frowned a little and walked to the group. I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into someone. I hadn't bothered looking up to see who it was. That was until they lifted up my chin.
"S-sorry." I looked at whoever it was who I bumped into, to see Karma. He smiled at me and kissed me softly.
"Watch where you're going. And good morning my little kitten." He poked my nose and hugged me. I hugged back and looked around to see everyone staring at us. The girls and boys with their jaws wide open. I guess they're not used to the sweet side of Karma. Too bad because I love it. After everyone else came Koro Sensei guided is down the hill. I still wore my beanie because I was too self conscious about being a neko and people judging me harshly.
We had finally arrived at the school. We all entered in the gym, getting stared at. I once again wasn't paying attention and bumped into someone again.
"S-sorry." I tried to move out of their way and was stopped by them grabbing my wrists and slamming me up against the wall. I winced in pain and met face to face with a strawberry ginger. He kinda look like Karma, the sly smirk and determination in his eyes. I take it this is Asaona, the principals son, the smartest kid in the school.
"Well what do we have here? A new student? She's too cute to be in Class E. I heard a lot about you (F/N)." He then swiftly grabbed my beanie off my head, exposing my cat ears. Everyone in the gyms attention now on me. I could easily hear everyone reactions.
"Wow she's a neko."
"What a freak."
"A freak like her shouldn't be alive."
"No wonder she's in the End Class."
"You may be a neko but man are you cute. Don't worry you'll be in good hands with me." He leaned in and kissed me roughly. I tried to move him away but he forced himself upon me. He pulled away and threw me to the ground.
"Freak." Him and everyone else started laughing at me as I started crying on the ground. All of a sudden I heard something fall to the ground in front of me. I opened my eyes and rubbed them. The thing that had fallen in front of me was Asano with a red cheek and black eye. I looked up to see Karma standing there, his fist clenched. Boy did he look pissed.
"No one calls my girlfriend a freak and gets away with it. Anyone who says anything rude about her or to her better watch themselves closely because I WILL kill you." He looked around with a scary smirk that made everyone shiver with fear. He ran over to me and hugged me. He softly stroked my hair trying to calm me down.
"It's alright (F/N), no one else is going to hurt you. I'm here for you. I love you and I won't let anything bad happen to you." He let go of me and smiled at me. I smiled back through my tears and kissed him lovingly.
"Thank you Karma. I love you too." He patted my head and helped me up. Once again he hugged me tightly and put something in my hand. I let go of him and opened my hand to find a necklace. It had a heart and infinity sign on it. On the heart it said 'My lil' kitten'. And on the infinity sign it said Karma and (F/N). I smiled again and kissed him.
"I love it."

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