The Old Mark Returns

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Markimoo: Top of the mornin to ya ladie

Jackipoo: Did you watch my videos?!

Markimoo: Yeah. They're actually really entertaining

Jackipoo: Hello everybody my name is Markiplier

Jackipoo: Your videos are quite funny with Wade and Bob. Btw I met them yesterday

Markimoo: You did?! We're they weird to you. I hope not

Jackipoo: Bob is pretty cool but Wade...

Markimoo: Yeah Wade is Wade pretend Wade isn't there

Jackipoo: Its hard not to

Markimoo: Yeah


Nice nipples

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Nice nipples

Jackipoo: You come up with the weirdest things

Markimoo: What does that tell you???

Jackipoo: That my old Mark is back

Markimoo: YOUR old Mark

Jackipoo: Yeah. Your my best friend bro

Markimoo: Well your not my best friend

Jackipoo: 😮😲How can you say such words of hate

Markimoo: You're my BFF❤😂

Jackipoo: Awww thanks

1 hour later

Markimoo: Jack I got the plane tickets. I'll be there by Wednesday at 7am in Ireland time

Markimoo: Jack you there buddy?

Markimoo: Sorry I left for an hour I had to get the tickets and I kind of got distracted by a game

Markimoo: Well your not here I'll just leave. Bye buddy


"What are you suppose to call me Jack," Felix whispered in my ear.

"D-Daddy," I moan.

I of course heard my phone buzz and knew it was Mark but I can't move because of Felix. He's pinning me down to the bed in the most uncomfortable position.

"I feel better now. Thanks for letting me cool down. Want me to stay over for the week," he ask getting off of me.

I smile and rest my head on his shoulder. We're both naked in my bed after having a little bit of "fun".

"Yeah. Keep me company please."

Nice nips Jack😉💖

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