No Regrets

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I had a lot to do today between softball and a party. I'm very sorry. Here's the chapter now. Enjoy!

*Jack's POV*

"What the hell is going on here," Felix ask pointing to us.

Mark gets off of me and roll over to the other side of the bed. I look at Felix shocked and scared of what he's going to do to me. He walks up to me and grab my wrist.

"You're coming with me," he said glancing at Mark a couple of times.

I pull my wrist back. "No! Your not going to control my life anymore Felix."

"Come on Sean I just want to talk."

"Well talk in front of me and Mark," I said crossing my arms.

He sighs and look around my room. He looks at Mark again and roll his eyes. Once he was done, he picked me up and carried me to my office. He lays me down on the floor and lock the door.

"Felix what the-"

"I came back here to apologize to you. I thought you was going to be here alone. Why didn't you tell me Mark was going to stay over your house?"

"Because I don't have to tell you everything and you was pretty mad at me so I didn't want to talk to you."

"Well you could of at least told me that. Anyways, I'm sorry for how I behaved and I wish I can take you back. We should get back together Sean. You know how good of a couple we are and you loved how I missed you. Lets just start over and pretend none of this ever happened."

"No," I quickly decline.

"What," he ask confused.

"I said no Felix. You have the worst jealousy and anger problems on this planet. I don't want to be with someone that's like that. I want to be with someone that's kind, funny, cute, brave, and nerdy. Someone like..." A smile slowly grows on my face. "Like Mark. He's an amazing person and I love him so much. Sure we only knew each other for a month or two but that's all right. It takes a month for you to know that you actually like a person. And I like Mark. No scratch that, I LOVE Mark."

Felix looks at me astonished. He didn't even say anything. He stood there slowly turning red with his mouth opened. In a flash he open the door and ran out. I sigh and close the door. That was great. A second later, I get a text message.

Fefe: You'll pay for saying that Jack! You'll pay!

I roll my eyes and laugh. I guess that counts as a confession. I didn't say it to him but I said it. Wow, I feel pretty good.

I get another text and quickly check it.

Markimoo: I heard everything

I blush a bright red once I read that. My body is warming up and I no longer feel so great. I hesitate to text back but ended up typing really fast.

Jackipoo: Y-You did??

Markimoo: Yeah and don't come out the room because I want to text you instead

Jackipoo: Okay. I'll stay put

Markimoo: Jack we need to... Talk about this

Texting Jack [Septiplier]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat