1st OFFICIAL date

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I did my best with the picture😅

Delerious Army by SpaceManChaos
@sophie_minter(u can have something special)

JackSepticEye Rap by SpaceManChaos
No one wins!
I Need U by BTS
No one wins!

*Mark's POV*

I stand in front of Jack's house waiting for him to come out. Today we are going on our first official date. Meaning, it's going to be an actual date with us being an actual couple.

I only have about a week or two left before going back to America and Jack wants me to go back with a lot of clothes for some reason. He told me that there is a mall somewhere not far. I didn't want to go but as soon as he said he would pay for everything than fuck it, I'll go any day.

"Ok I'm ready. Lets go," he said cheerfully.

I smile and ask for the car keys. Once the car started and Jack got inside, I took off. I'm not the best driver but I'm not the worst either. I could see our the corner of my eyes that Jack was holding on the sides of his seat. I smirk and try to drive "better".

Once we reached our destination, Jack jumped out the car and bend over. I smile and look around to see if anyone was by us then, I smacked his butt.

"Come on, it wasn't that bad," I laughed.

He jumps and look at me. "Yes you are. I'm driving us back home."

He grabbed his keys out of my back pocket and head inside the mall. I chuckle and shake my head. I catch up with him and we walk into the first store. We have fun grabbing a lot of clothes and modeling them to each other. We even snuck over to the girls department and grabbed dresses and skirts. It was fun until a fan girl saw us and asked for pictures.

"Mark I want a bear," Jack whined.

We just got finished paying for the clothes we bought. Jack grabs my arm and pull me towards Build-A-Bear. I try to cover my face from embarrassment but it didn't tell much. Parents looked at us weird and kids looked at us with smiles. I try to wiggle out of Jack's grip but he was clutching really tight.

"Hi I'm Samantha welcome to Build-A-Bear. How may I help you," a clerk said once we approached her.

"I want a bear," Jack screamed.

People have us weird looks but I shae them out my head. This is my first official date with Jack. I don't want them to ruin it. Samantha smiles and nod. Jack chooses a red bear and tell me to get a green bear. I guess we're modeling the bears after ourselves. We give the bears to Samantha and watch her as she fill them with stuffing.

"So are you two on a date," she ask us.

"Yeah. It's our first one," I said.

"Well kuddos to you. You two are cute together," she stop talking as she took the bears out the stuffing machines. "Hopefully this won't offend you but my parents hate gay couples. They say that gay people need to call down a hole and die in a pit of lava. But I never listen to them. I actually love gay couples. They are so cute. I even have gay friends."

Texting Jack [Septiplier]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu