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List of Mythical Creatures
Ogre - An ugly, oversized humanoid creature with great physical strength and little intelligence.
Orthros - The two-headed monster dog.
Pegasus - Technically the proper name of Bellerophon's winged horse, which became the general name for winged horses.
Phoenix - The golden bird who, at the end of its life, burst into flames only to be reborn again.
Pixie - A small humanoid creature with pointy ears who likes to cause mischief.
Sasquatch - Large, hairy, man-like beasts that live in the woods.
Satyr - Half-men, half-goats who were wild and lustful. The god Pan was one of these.
Scylla - The man-eating beast that lived on the opposite side of the Strait of Messina from Charybdis.
Sea Monsters - The generic term for several breeds of water-based monsters.
Sea-Goat - The half-goat, half-fish who are the children of Pricus, who becomes the constellation Capricorn.
Shade - The ghosts of dead people before they are admitted entrance to Hades.
Shapeshifters - Humans who can willingly take the form of an animal while maintaining their consciousness.
Sirens - Man-eating beautiful women whose song compels men to them.
Sphinx - The half-human, half-lion that forces those it meets to answer its riddles, or die.
Sprite - A category of elemental, fairy-like spirits, invisible to humans (a Sylph is one of these).
Sylph - An invisible, fairy-like being dedicated to the element of air.

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