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The power to utilize voodoo magic. A form of Magic. Practitioners of this trade are often known as bokors or witch doctors.

Also Called

Bayou Magic
Effigy Magic
Haitian Vodou
Louisiana Voodoo
West African Vodun


The user can utilize voodoo magic, ie. access supernatural forces to improve their daily lives to attain power or success ("luck") in many areas of life including money, love, divination, revenge, health, employment, and necromancy. As in many other spiritual and medical folk practices, extensive use is made of herbs, minerals, parts of animals' bodies, an individual's possessions and bodily fluids.

Like most Magic, Voodoo Magic has a variety of uses, the most known are Necromancy and using Voodoo dolls (an effigy of a person) for Motor-Skill Manipulation.

Voodoo magic practitioners like using sympathetic magic principles which has two aspects: Law of Similarity or "like affects like": model or miniature of a real-world object which affects the real-life counterpart when it is changed. For example, a miniature New York where you can move buildings and they'll move in the real New York. Or a globe (careful with it) if you poke it carelessly, you'll crush the entirety of China. Second is Law of Contact/Contagion: that things which have once been in contact with each other continue to act on each other at a distance after the physical contact has been severed. This latter makes someone who knows how to do it right truly dangerous because they can ignore any distance to hurt someone with only a bit of something they have used or (even better) part of them, hair and nail-clippings are traditional for this.


Most have to deal with the Loa.
May have to bargain with/serve loas for power.

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