StarWars creatures D

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Draagax are pack hunters that hunt in the equatorial grasslands of the planet Relkass. Apart from hunting small rodents, these animals also consume wild sentinel plants. When the plants bloom in the dry season, they provide the draagax with a narcotic that sends them on a berserker frenzy, attacking everything in their path.

Dragon snake

Dragon snakes are long, ferocious creatures, native to the swamps of Dagobah and Nal Hutta.


Drexl are giant creatures that are usually green, and have teeth the size of human arms. They are native to Onderon. The adult form can fly, and is used as a means of transport and defense by the planet's Beast-riders. Drexl larvae are unable to fly, but are strong and extremely fierce. They appear in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.

Duracrete slug

Having been spread throughout the galaxy by freighters and cargo ships, Duracrete slugs dig tunnels into building foundations and feed off of the concrete in there. Some specimens have been known to reach 10 m (32.8 ft) in length. They can consume almost any kind of concrete because the parts they cannot digest are excreted into armor nodules on their bodies.


The dweebit is a small, reddish-brown beetle, native to the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy. Dweebits have been used as weapons. When they were put onto Belkadan, they emitted extremely noxious fumes that made the planet uninhabitable.

Their is more than that but that's all I wrote. Enjoy.

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