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It was the summer next was sophomore year Finn went to visit his nan with his mum.

Puck has been busy lately being this new him and when Quinn needed one of them the most they weren't there she went to the lake she hasn't been here since middle school with Noah well Puck.

"Quinn" Puck says.
"Leave me alone" Quinn says wiping her tears.
"No I won't" Puck says and sirs beside her."What's wrong" Puck asked.
"I thought you didn't care" Quinn says.
"Of course I care why wouldn't I not care" Puck says.
"This new you"Quinn says.
"I'm still me"Puck says and she believes him.

"What is it"Puck asked and Quinn starts crying as he comforts her.
"Come on tell me what is it" Puck asked.
"My papa died" Quinn says.
"Papa" Puck questioned.
"That's what I called my granddad we were really close he was more of a dad to me than my dad is and now he's gone and Finn gone to visit his gran I have nobody" Quinn says as she cries.
"Hey you have me" Puck tells her.

"Yeah I always seem to have you" Quinn says.
"Always will"Puck says and she smiles and leans on him.
"Thank you for being here" Quinn says.
"Always" Puck says as she looks at him as he smiles and the two kiss.

It was Quinn first kiss and wasn't even with her boyfriend she was terrible as they broke.

"What are we doing I'm Finn"Quinn says.
"i" Puck says.
"This was a mistake we can never speak of this again ok Finn can't know"Quinn says.
"Ok"Puck says after pleading her as she gets up and leaves.

"Quinn"Puck says.
"Yeah " Quinn says.
"Am I forgiven for being an ass to you"Puck asked.
"Yeah" Quinn says with a smile and walks off as Puck smiles he had his best friend back.

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