Saddest goodbye.

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Puck couldn't believe what he got told Finn his best friend he saw him yesterday dead he had to be dreaming he always had Finn there even after everything with Quinn.

When he found out he went back to Lima and went straight to Finn mum.

"Puck"Carol says.
"Hi I just wanted to come and see how you are I'm sorry"Puck says and Carol hugs him "I'm sorry too"Carol says.
"But you lost your son why you say sorry to me " Puck says.
"it was always Finn and Puck since you 5 you lost the person you thought of as a brother and I'm sorry for that"Carol says and the two hug and walk in as Puck sat with them he wanted to he there for Finn's family that's what he'd do.

The funeral was the worst part seeing everyone.

Quinn walked in already emotional she saw Rachael and hugs her she never truly loved Finn in the way she knew he was gonna be with her forever not like Rachael they ended like brother or sister or best friends but Rachael she lost the man she saw a future with Quinn had no idea what the must feel like when she saw Puck talking to Carol, Burt and Kurt it was hard for him too she knew that.

This was the worst thing that could happen to them this was Puck's saddest goodbye saying goodbye to his best friend who he'll never see again as he looked to see Quinn was tear staines as she held Rachael hand to comfort her he understood what Rachael was going through when he thought he lost Quinn at the crash he felt lost.

"I'm so sorry"Quinn says and hugs carol.
"Thank you for coming"Carol says.
"Of course if you need anything always call"Quinn says and hugs Kurt as well as her eyes land on Puck and as long as she knew him she's never seen him cry and here he was crying and that made more tears go down.

Quinn goes over to Puck who had a drink.

"Hey"Quinn says.
"Hi" Puck says.
"I'm sorry I know this must hurt he was your best friend"Quinn says.
"No he weren't"Puck says.
"What?"Quinn says
"He was my brother" Puck tells her and she wipes a tear and he buys her a drink with their fake ID it was needed.

"I was the last to see him he knew what he wanted he was in college to get a career in teaching coaching the glee club help him decide that he knew he wanted to marry Rachael and have a family he even knew what he wanted to call his kids"Puck says.
"Yeah it's not the same without him it never will be"Quinn says.
"You going to the glee club thing tribute to him"Puck asked.
"I can't it's too much I can't say goodbye to him not with a song I won't be able to finish it"Quinn says.
"Well I am I have nothing better to do now he's gone I might as well say goodbye to him in a way we can"Puck says.
"Do a song for me"Quinn says and he nods.
"Sure thing"Puck says as she whispers the song before she finishes her drink and walks off.

As Puck puts his glass up to the picture of Finn "to you my brother"Puck says and drinks his beer.

Rip Cory Montieth

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