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Quinn and Puck finished with the glee club after doing the video for Mr Shue and singing Don't stop believing once again with everyone in Glee from the originals to the ones who are there now which includes Puck's younger half brother Jake.

"Where are we going"Quinn asked as she was holding Puck's hand.
"Like you don't know"Puck says and she smiles knowing exactly where as they get to the lake and sit cuddling up.

"This hasn't changed a bit"Quinn says.
"Yeah well were the only ones who know about this place remember"Puck says.
"I remember everything"Quinn says with smile.

"Did you mean what you said in the choir room you really wanna you know be together properly"Puck asked.
"Yeah every single word because your the only guy I've ever loved Puck and ever actually never lied to and to I would rather do it difficult with you overseas doing god knows what then being with some guy I don't really love"Quinn says.
"Good"Puck says as he wrapped his arm round her and they look at the lake.

"You know I've waited 6 years for this for us"Puck says.
"Seriously wait but were only  19 you mean"Quinn says.
"When I first met you"Puck says and she smiles.
" am I really what you want"Quinn asked.
"You've always been what I want you are the girl I want"Puck says and she smiles and leans on him again.

"Puck"Quinn says.
"Yeah"Puck says back.
"I love you too"Quinn says.
"What?" Puck asked.
"in the locker room you said you love me I never said it back I'm saying it now I love you too Quinn says.
"Always hope you would" Puck says as the two kiss.

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