Getting closer again.

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It was Saturday night and Quinn was in Puck's room he's been sleeping on the sofa letting Quinn have his bed.
Puck walked in from hanging with the boys.

"Hey" Quinn says.
"How are you" Puck says.
"Tired but fine" Quinn says with a slight smile and he sat beside her.

"Where's your mum I haven't seen her today"Quinn says.
"Out of town I guess she does that a lot you'll get use to it"Puck says.
"She just leaves and your sister alone by yourselves" Quinn says.
"Ahh huh why you think I went out all night when I was 13"Puck says.
"Your mum just leaves whenever she please" Quinn says.
"Least she always comes back not like my dad"Puck says.

"What happened to him do you remember" Quinn says.
"They argued a lot he cheated on her with a waitress and got her pregnant he left them as well I don't know what happened all I remember is seeing him walk out with a bag every other year after he ran out of money from beer"Puck says.
"I'm sorry"Quinn says.
"You know something  I try to make somebody proud who doesn't give a damn if I ended up dead" Puck says.
"That can't be true" Quinn says.
"Yeah he never sent me a birthday card only once when he said he wished I was never born I guessing who drunk well I hope he was" Puck says.
"You are so much better than your dad I mean you've stook by me I'm very lucky I have you"Quinn says as she goes closer to him.
"Really" Puck says.
"Really" Quinn says and smiles at him as she kisses him.
"Wanna watch a movie I'll even let you pick"Quinn says.
"Sounds good"Puck says as smiles.

"You wanna know a secret"Quinn asked.
"Your trusting me with one"Puck says.
"Yeah but don't tell anyone"Quinn says
"Promise"Puck says.
"My first name Lucy my middle name is Quinn when we moved here I used Quinn I preferred it anyway but I got bullied a lot you know so if nobody knew my past it wouldn't start over"Quinn says.
"I see well from what I know of you, you and as Lucy or Quinn your perfect"Puck says and she smiles at him.

That night the two became closer Puck loved the fact that Quinn felt like she could trust him again and now Quinn understands Puck even more now he explained his past they were getting close again by trusting each other with their past and Quinn smiles she started to see a bit of the old Puck she knew well Noah who she hasn't seen since freshman year.

Glee:SoulMatesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon