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By the time it was almost 11 pm there was over 100 people at Lauren's house. I was still completely sober but almost everyone I walked past was stumbling or slurring their words. After an awkward conversations with a person who I lost touch with, I started walking around in search for one of my friends. Hoping to find at least one of them who wasn't so drunk that they were face down in the pool or puking in one of Lauren's parent's flower pots.

I finally found Normani who was filling up her red solo cup.

"Hey GURL. What are you drinking," she slurred as she took a sip of my Doctor Pepper.

Normani gave me the dirtiest look  then dumped my soda in the grass. She then filled my solo cup to the brim with what ever was in the keg. Then she shoved the cup to my lips and tipped it. Before I knew it what ever type of alcohol that was in that cup was gone.

"Fuck it," I mumbled as I filled the solo cup back up.

I figured if I was drinking I might as well go for it. So I downed what ever beer was from the keg and searched for some hard alcohol. At these parties Lauren usually hid her parent's "good alcohol because beer was cheaper and she didn't want her parents to be mad that their liquor was gone. I hate the musky taste of beer. Its disgusting. If I was drinking anything it would have to be some type of mixed drink or a wine cooler. Luckily for me I had been in Lauren's house so many times I knew exactly where the hard alcohol was. I quickly made my way to the basement where Lauren's dads' bar is. I filled my cup full of ice and half way with vodka. Then I grabbed a purple Gatorade from the fridge and filled the rest of my cup. I mixed the contents together, took a sip and ran back up stairs.

As I walked outside I noticed Lauren and Ally talking to a group of guys. A guy that was probably 5'10"  with a sharp jawline and almost black hair leaned in and kissed Lauren on the cheek. A slightly shorter guy with an equally as sharp jawline and brown hair hugged Ally. I knew him as Ally's long time boyfriend named Cameron. There was one other guy awkwardly standing next to his friends who were talking with Lauren and Ally. He made direct eye contact with me. I started walking toward Lauren and Ally, the lanky guy didn't stop the eye contact.

I Lied. (Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now