Treat You Better

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It was a Monday night which was a common day that Austin would take me out on a date. He took me to Octane Coffee, it was a cute little coffee shop, reminded me of one you'd see in a tumblr post. We had been here a few times, it was nice to sit down with a cup of coffee and talk for a bit instead of eating a whole meal. I'd still get a bit of food, something small, usually a banana muffin. We walked in the front door the barista greeted us but I barely heard her because I was distracted by beautiful singing followed by the hum of a piano. Austin ordered us the usual items we bought here and set his coffee down at a table before he walked to the piano player.

Austin placed the change from our order into a jar that was on the floor next to the piano, the pianist look more and more familiar each word he sang. After Austin put the money in the jar the pianist looked up and mouthed 'thank you' at that moment I knew I was fucked. The man singing was Shawn. My Shawn. What are the odds? Just before I could duck my head and hide so that Shawn didn't see me, he looked up from the piano and scanned the room. But he stopped his gaze in the middle of the room when he saw me. My face got red immediately, Shawn started singing and playing the piano more passionately. I could hear the anger in his voice I can only imagine how that piano must feel.

Once Shawn angrily finished the song I heard when we walked in he started another one except this time he had an announcement to make first.

"This song goes out to a very special girl who is in the restaurant tonight. Lets give her a hand for coming out tonight," Shawn pointed at me as he emphasized the word special. Everyone started clapping as my face flushed red.

"Do you know him?" Austin said threw his teeth.

I won't lie to you

"N-," I started to say as I was interrupted.

I know he's just not right for you

"Well he seems to know you. Camila what the fuck is going on?"

And you can tell me if I'm off but I can see on your face when you say that he's the one that you want

"Austin, I-I can explain."

And your spending all your time in this wrong situation. Anytime you want it to stop

"Why don't we just listen to what he has to day," Austin said as he gestured toward Shawn.

I know I can treat you better than he can

"Well maybe you should date him instead of me," Austin said as he stood up, purposefully spilt him coffee on the table, and then flipped Shawn off. Tears streamed from my face as I sat at the booth, feeling everyone's stares. I got up and quietly walked out of the coffee shop as I tried to choke down my tears. As I got out side I realized that Austin had been my ride here. I leaned against the building and started sliding down as my legs became weak.

I just sat against the building, sobbing. Multiple people left the coffee shop and glanced at me but at this point I didn't care.  A few moms walked  by and asked me if I was okay I would respond with yes between sobs. I had been bawling for I don't even know how long until someone sat down next to me and wrapped their arms around me. I didn't even need to look up to tell that it was Shawn. He smelt the same as his car, he reeked of old spice.  

I Lied. (Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now