I Lied

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Before I reached my empty house I made one more stop, Steve's Liquor. I sat in my car cleaning up my face I looked like an absolute mess. Thank god I kept make up wipes in my car. Once I was about as cleaned up as I was going to get I got out of my car and calmly walked into the store.

Pick my poison.

I went directly to the vodka section and grabbed the biggest bottle of Smirnoff I could find. I hauled the bottle to the cash register. The cashier didn't ask for my I.D. I was surprised but thankful. I got back into my car, alcohol in hand, and silently drove home.

I sat the vodka and ice cream on the coffee table in the living room, infront of the tv. Then I walked to the kitchen to grab a spoon and a shot glass. I set them on the table next to my ice cream and alcohol then went back into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"I guess this will have to do," I mumbled to myself pulling out a can of orange Fanta. I grabbed a glass from my cupboard then filled it with ice. I poured a half of the can in the cup then filled the rest with vodka. I stirred it with my finger mixing the contents together then took a sip. It burned down my throat, perfect.

I poured my self an oversized shot, "Lets get this party started."

I sat on the couch eating my frozen ice cream straight from the container while watching The Notebook and taking shots every few bites. The movie made me think of Shawn which made me think about him cheating on me, this resulted in me crying. Again. Before I knew it the bottle was a third gone and the ice cream was half. There was a pounding at my door.

"Just a second," I sung.

I pulled the door open with a smile on my face that immediately turned to a frown.

"Mila what's wrong," Shawn asked I'm assuming he was referring to my puffy and bloodshot eyes.

I started laughing, "As if you don't know."

He just looked at me with a blank expression, he must not have seen me tonight.

"Oh I suppose you want me to catch you up," I giggled. Shawn nodded. "I saw you making out with that girl in the parking lot today."

"Mila I-"

I grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and pulled him to my living room, "But its okay because I forgive you."

I sat Shawn on the couch and straddled him, my legs around his waist.

"Say it again," I seductively whispered in his ear.

He raised his eyebrows, "Say what."

"That you love me," I rested my forehead on his looking in each other's eyes.

"But Mila I-"

I put my hand under his shirt and ran it up his chiseled chest, "It's okay. Say it, I'll say it back."

"I know I said I loved you but I-I lied," Shawn grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me back.

I giggled, "Ha ha very funny Shawn." I softly kissed him but he didn't return the kiss.

Shawn grabbed me by the shoulders again and threw me off of him. "I don't love you," he stood up and walked out my door. And just like that he was gone.

Tears ran down my face as I threw back a few more shots then passed out. I woke up in pain. Physical and mental. I wish I couldn't remember anything that happened last night. But I could remember every second of it.

I don't love you

His words echoed in my head.


This story will maybe have one more chapter then be completed. If you guys haven't read my story One Night Stand please do. I think its one of the best books I've written. Thank you. - U.M.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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