Running Low

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I sat against my door hugging my knees to my chest, there I sat until I realized I should get up and go up stairs in case Austin decided to come back. At least if I was up stairs with Shawn I would feel more safe. Quietly I started up the stairs whipping under my eyes with the sleeve of Shawn's sweatshirt, leaving back smudges of mascara on it. As I reached the stop of the stairs I noticed that the door was open a crack, I lightly pushed it with the palm of my hand. The door creaked loudly as it opened just enough for me to squeeze through. Shawn was laying in the same position he was when I left to watch tv in the living room. He looked so peaceful asleep I couldn't help but question to myself if he was dreaming about me. I walked on the balls of my feet careful not to make any noise that would disturb Shawn. Once I reached my side of the bed I  tried to lay down, changing my positions slowly. Just as I put my left leg on the bed it squeaked. Shawn turned toward me and squinted.

"Hey babe," Shawn smiled .
Damn his morning voice was hot.
"Hey," I responded pulling the covers over my body and turning to Shawn.

He lifted his hand and ran his thumb under my eye, "What happened?"

Well I guess I didn't rub all of my mascara off.

"Uh I got something in my eye earlier and it made my mascara run."

Shawn hummed in response as he caressed my cheek. We sat in the bed for a while, I felt content.

"What time is it," Shawn asked frantically.

I rolled over and reached for my phone from the night stand.

"Uh 10:30."

Shawn jolted out of bed and threw on his shirt, "Uh I got to go."

"What why," I asked not moving from the bed.

"I just have to go," Shawn leaned across the bed and softly kissed me. He pulled away "Love you." Shawn darted out of my room and down the stairs and before I knew it he was gone and I didn't even say it back. It didn't seem like the perfect moment that my mom had always described. She would talk about how I would know if I loved someone. It would be like the wind, you cant see it but you can feel it. I wasn't sure I felt it. Did I love Shawn for being there and picking me up after Austin pushed me down? Yes. But I didn't know if I was in love with him.

I spent the rest of the day eating way too much junk food and bingewatching Shane Dawson videos. It was like 8:30 at night and I had a strong hankering for birthday cake ice cream. I threw on an old and tattered sweatshirt then threw on a pair of flip flops. Then I grabbed my keys off of the hook near the door then briskly walked through the cold to my car. I grabbed the cold car handle which sent chills up my spine. My car smelt of cologne from the last time Shawn was in here. I reached the store and quickly walked inside, escaping the cold. I went directly to the ice cream section. I scammed the freezer cases for the Blue Bunny label until I located it on the bottom shelf. I squatted down and looked for the birthday cake flavor, I could hear someone shuffling their feet next to me. Once I found the flavor I was looking for I stood up and started walking down the aisle while reading the nutrition facts. I slammed into a girl who was on her phone also not watching what she was doing.

I looked up and saw the beautiful brunette girl who was probably about a foot taller than me. She flipped her long straight hair which sent a wave on vanilla to my nostrils.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention. Are you okay," she smiled at me. I couldn't help but notice her flawlessly white teeth. She gave me a odd look which was when I realized I hadn't responded.

"Yeah I'm fine. It was totally my fault sorry," I responded.

"Babe lets go," the woman yelled to a significant other who must've been a few aisles away. I left the freezer aisle to find some pancake mix for breakfast tomorrow. Once I had everything I came for I make my way to self check out. I swiped my debit card and grabbed my receipt then headed back to my car. I walked by a couple aggressively making out in one of the vehicles. And I mean aggressively I only saw a few seconds of it but I'm surprised either of them still had lips left, I brushed it off and got into my car.

As I was pulling out of the parking lot my headlights shinned into their car, the both stopped what they were doing and looked up. My body when completely numb when I realized that the guy was Shawn.

Yeah I kind of forgot about this book, sorry. Hopefully this chapter was interesting I might start updating thus story again. - U.M

I Lied. (Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now