Going Nowhere

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Shawn cuddled me for a few minutes while I started to calm down.

"Why are you out here," I had stopped violently sobbing at this point but a few tears still streamed down my cheeks.

"I wanted you to feel the way I felt when I saw you with that guy but I realize I took it too far," Shawn quietly responded while he whipped the tears off my face with his thumb. I almost felt okay when I realized Austin was my ride to the coffee shop and I had no way of getting home, I panicked and started crying again. Shawn wrapped his arms around me tighter

"Austin was my r-ride h-h-home," I wailed. Honestly I have no idea if Shawn had heard me at all but he stood up and offered me his hand, I needed a ride home so I took it. We walked to his Jeep which was parked behind the coffee shop without saying a word. When we got into the car we continued the silence I didn't care enough to even try to explain what happened. Finally we reached my house I tried to open my car door but it was locked, I looked at Shawn as he started to speak.  

"Camila be honest with me. Who was he," Shawn looked really hurt there was no way I could lie to him again.

"We go on dates occasionally but we aren't actually dating," I said looking into his hurt brown eyes. They were definitely not the same kind eyes I fell in love with on the first date.

"Shawn, I swear that's all he is to me. He wont let me go," I could feel Shawn judging me but at this point it felt good to tell him the truth. "H-he scares me when hes angry." A single tear fell from my eyes.

"Mila. It's-."

"I didn't tell you because I know your going to leave me and I won't blame you," I started to cry harder not quite sobbing.

"I told you I wouldn't hurt you, I'm not going any where," Shawn said as he caressed my cheek.

He pulled me closer to his chest where I wrapped around him and sobbed. I have no idea how long this went on, long enough for my remaining makeup to stain Shawn's white shirt.

"We are going to get through this together," Shawn mumbled after he kissed the top of my head.

I Lied. (Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now