The Life

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I've had a boyfriend for the past six or so months, but we aren't official. He never wanted to be an actual couple which always confused me. So technically we have an open relationship, or at least its open on his end. The thing about Austin is that he kind of is a douche bag. Don't get me wrong I love him but he is a hypocrite. He gets angry at me when I go on dates with other guys but I can't get mad at him. We've had so many arguments over this subject that its not even worth discussing. So now I just go on dates with other guys and don't tell Austin. One of the first dates I went on with a different guy he caught me, after that day I got more sneaky.

One guy I went on three dates with and I thought that I really liked him so I told him about Austin. Long story short, he didn't react well so I don't tell anyone about Austin anymore. Yeah that might be selfish but I cant figure out a way to get rid of him. Honestly I've tried to break up with him but all that comes out of it is an argument and Austin calling me until I take him back.

We go one or two dates a week, no we haven't done anything too serious, I wouldn't do anything like that with someone I wasn't in love with. When I first started sneaking around Austin I felt bad for the other guys but honestly I don't anymore. Its not like I've done anything with Austin or with the other guys. None of the guys ever want to make it official either, if they did I would have to confess about Austin. Luckily I haven't ever had to deal with that.

Then there came Shawn, I really like him even though he recently kind of fucked up. This is the only relationship Ive had since highschool that I think could actually become something. But as much as I want to date Shawn I hope he doesn't ever ask me to be his girlfriend. Because if he does I will be forced to tell him about Austin.  And deep down I know that Shawn will never go on another date with me let alone look in my direction.

I know this chapter was way different from all the other chapters but I had no idea how to incorporate the story line. I get it I'm a fuck up but here this is, I hope your enjoying thus far~ U.M.

I Lied. (Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now