Kid In Love

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Shawn knocked on my door, greeted me like a gentlemen and lead me to his Jeep that looked familiar. He opened the door for me as he had the other night except this time I was sober and could properly sit-down and buckle myself in. Shawn got in the car and put it in drive, it smelt like old spice as it had the other night expect I think it smelt even better tonight. He drove us to a small diner which was approximately 25 minutes from my house, I'm assuming it was the diner where Shawn was going to take me to sober me up.

We got a booth toward the back of the restaurant which was nice because I could focus on Shawn and not everyone else around us. Honestly I don't really remember what we talked about. I was way too distracted by his kind eyes and warm smile.

"What the hell are you stairing at," Shawn jokingly questioned.

"O-Oh nothing," I tried to laugh it off. This happened a few times, he was just so...breath taking.

Shawn literally never stoped smiling, it was getting distracting. We both ordered a burger with a side of fries, Shawn claimed they were the best item on the menu. I didn't think it was amazing but he seemed very passionate about the food so I didn't argure.

We lost track of time because we were so intrigued by each other, or at least I was intrigued by him. I was zapped back to reality by the quiet buzz of my phone, I looked at the time before I read the notification that had drawn me away from my date.


 Shawn must have looked at his phone at the same time as I was looking at mine because when I looked up at him, he had a shocked look on his face. At first I was slightly worried but before I could get too panicked Shawn spoke up.

"Damn, I didn't realize it was so late. I guess I got distracted by the good food and even better conversation," he said as he stood up. "Well I better be getting you home, we both have school tomorrow." Shawn set a $20 bill and a $10 bill on the table before we walked out the door. He brushed his hand on my back as he ushered me out the door, chills sent down my spine.

We got to the car and by the time we reached my house Shawn and I had already scheduled another date. After what seemed like a really short car ride we reached my house, we both unbuckled our seat belts and leaned toward each other. Shawn's large hand caressed my cheek just before he kissed me. I drew back, looked once more in his gorgeous eyes, and leaned in for another, longer kiss. Then Shawn leaned back and we both smiled at the same time, I excited the car and waved at him from the outside of the window before I walked into my house.

I'm actually glad this didn't happen the other night, if it had the whole night probably wouldn't have meant anything to me. I would've been to drunk to remember anything except the delicious smell of Shawn's car.

We texted all night, talked about nothing yet somehow talked about everything at the same time. Shawn would be picking me up tomorrow directly from school to take me "some where special".

I Lied. (Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now