Everlasting Love

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Shawn stayed at my house for two more nights until he could would out to his car without being in complete pain. I was getting a little sick of him staying at my house but I wasn't going to say anything because it was my fault that he was hurt in the first place. Yesterday I noticed a grey truck sitting across the street from my house. The truck would move stay from 9am-12pm leave for an hour then come back from 2pm-6pm. Of course I knew exactly whose truck it was which made me really anxious. It was Austin, what if Shawn saw him? Shawn definitely had Austin in side the only reason I think Austin was able to beat the shit out of him was because he was caught off guard.

I was looking out the window when Shawn walked behind me and connected his arms around my waist.

"Who's that," Shawn questioned me as he placed his chin on the top of my head.

I turned around and looked at Shawn with a soft smile. "I'm sure its nothing."

Shawn kissed me on the forehead, gathered all his things and walked out to his jeep. Thank god he drove the opposite way of Austin's truck I'm just hoping Shawn didn't quite connect the dots. I waited about ten minutes to make sure that Shawn was gone and he wasn't going to come back to get anything he forgot. It was about 2:30 in the afternoon which if my suspicions were correct meant that the truck wouldn't be leaving for a while.

I nonchalantly walked out of my door toward the truck as I got closer I could start to make out Austin's features. He took his eyes off of his phone and looked up at me.

"Hey beautiful," Austin said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes and continued to try to stay calm.

"Why are you watching my house?"

"I was waiting for your boy toy to leave so that we could have some," he paused, "alone time." Austin finished his sentence with a wink.

Why did I even bother trying to talk to him? I turned away from his truck and started walking back to the comfort of my house.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You're really just going to walk away from me," Austin yelled out his window.

"I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt but you fucked it up," I shouted back as I continued to walk away.

"Oh come on Mila, you honestly like him? You cant tell me that you don't feel something between us."

Honestly I had no idea how I felt about Austin and I, he was the first guy to take me on dates and act like a gentleman toward me. Sure he wasn't acting kind right now but that was just because he was jealous of Shawn. I shook the thought off and continued walking into my house.

It was 5pm and Austin was still sitting in his god damn truck out side of my house. Alright one more time I thought to myself as I put on shoes and walking to the grey truck.

"Hey I knew you'd be back," Austin said with an adorable grin.

"What's it going to take for you to get the hell away from my house," I said with jokingly.

"One  more date," he said with his pointer finger in the air. "And if you decide that you have no feeling for me. I-I'll leave you alone."

I pulled out my phone and looked at my calendar to see what nights I was free.

"What about tomorrow?"

"Sound perfect, I'll be here at 5:30," Austin said as he turned the key that was already in the ignition.

I turned around already regretting my decision as Austin sped off down the road. There was no way I could tell Shawn about this.  He would be so angry with me, I'd be mad if he went on a date with an ex girlfriend who beat the shit out of me. But, it'll be all good. One date. Two or three hours maximum. Then I'll tell Austin I don't feel anything and I'll never have to see him again. Now all I had to do was not see until after my date with Austin. I know if I even so much as looked into his kind brown eyes I would have to spill and tell Shawn everything.


I haven't been updating this story lately because I've been distracted by my other story Publicity Stunt and I honestly don't know where to take this story. So if you guys ever have any ideas comment them and I can try to work them into the story. Thank you to those who are still reading this story.

The gif has absolutely nothing to do with this chapter I just thought it was adorable.

I Lied. (Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now