The First Day

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"Aren't you nervous?"

"Nope, I'm gonna be that bold, outgoing, friendly guy!"

"That's what I love about you, baby."

Jack smiled sheepishly, raking his fingers through his oddly colored green hair that fell over his forehead. "I love everything about you, Mark." He responded lovingly, squeezing his lover's hand from across the console of their sleek maroon vehicle. It was Mark's very first car, and ever since he had brought it home, he hadn't left it alone.

"Well, here we go." Mark murmured, turning a dial that muted their music. He pulled into an empty parking spot, and removed his keys from the ignition. Jack lifted his backpack up from beneath his feet, slinging it over his shoulders.

Jack stared out of the windshield, just cringing at the large brick school he had been forced to attend for almost four years. It had three separate buildings. One for the gymnasium, one for the classrooms, and one for the auditorium. Jack had never really liked school, but he was actually looking forward to his senior year. After all, it was the best year, right?

"Finally, our last year. What could possibly go wrong?" Mark continued, laughing anxiously as he opened his door and stepped out. Jack followed in his footsteps, slamming his door shut upon exiting the vehicle. He had an overwhelming feeling that this year would be one of a kind.

"Shit... My head..."

"Cry? Are you awake?"

"Does it sound like I'm awake? We're so fucking late..."

Felix rolled over onto his bare belly, and proceeded to glance over at Cry adoringly. "We just overslept. So what? We had a good time last night." The Swedish teen stated, rolling his body up tightly in the thick blanket that he and his equally naked boyfriend were sharing.

"Yeah, I know. I'm majorly hungover." Cry replied, sitting up lazily in the bed and ruffling his messy brunette hair. "Someone should have woke us up." He sighed out exhaustedly, practically dragging himself out of Felix's warm, comfy bed. His boyfriend sat up afterwards, stretching his arms and legs out before he stood up on the cold hardwood floor.

"I guess we should get ready."

"Yeah, we got so drunk last night. Everybody was dancing, puking, making out. Then there was me. I think I passed out. You should have seen Felix, he was singing and playing guitar. It's definitely not as good when he's drunk." Ken chuckled out, leaning against his locker in a calm, cool, collected fashion. Mary laughed out loud, reaching up to tuck a piece of Ken's hair behind his ear. The two lovebirds had been flirting back and forth since last year, but nothing had happened between them just yet. There was one big obstacle, and through Ken's eyes, it couldn't be removed.

"You weren't that drunk, were you? You obviously saw a few things." She suggested, continuously organizing and decorating her locker as they conversed. Ken shrugged, seemingly daydreaming as he kept his sight locked on her with halfway-opened brown eyes. He was nonchalantly admiring her from his locker that was nearby. Mary Thomson was a lot of things. She was such a beautiful, sweet, smart, funny girl. What Ken loved the most, though, was how full of love and life she was. He was very much in love with her, but the overwhelming fear of not being good enough to surpass her douchebag boyfriend stood between him and his only chance at happiness.

Jack and Mark finally appeared, hand-in-hand. "Guess we're meeting up at Ken's locker again. Four years in a row. A true tradition." Mark joked, releasing Jack's hand. Instead, he wrapped his arm around the Irish boy's thin waist, parading him for everyone to see.

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