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"Mark! Oh my god!" Jack cried out joyfully, throwing both of his hands over his mouth to keep himself quiet. He squealed to himself, his blue eyes brimming with tears. Mark had secretly bought an entire nursery set for the baby's room as a surprise for his fiance.

Jack stepped forward and examined the furniture, still grinning excitedly. The crib was white, and the sheets were adorned with cute animals. Several bags full of clothes for both Jack and the baby were lying inside of it. Jack reached into one of the bags, pulling out a ridiculously tiny pajama outfit made for a newborn.

"Mark, I fuckin' love ya..." The Irish teenager gasped out happily, pulling his future husband into another tight hug. He clenched the baby's clothing in the palm of his hand, wanting to cry tears of joy, but instead smiling widely.

Mark was beaming, squeezing his arms around Jack's torso as tightly as he could without hurting him. "I love you more..." He sighed out with satisfaction, kissing the top of Jack's head repeatedly. The couple broke apart as the sound of footsteps outside could be heard.

The front door was suddenly pushed open, revealing Ken and Mary. Mary wore a black and white striped dress with a jean jacket and nice jewelry, while Ken wore his typical attire: a t-shirt, blue jeans, and his beloved bear hat.

Ken shoved his rattling car keys into his front pocket, glancing around the messy living room with wide eyes. "Oh, wow. This is new. Before we know it, it'll be baby toys all over the place instead of pop cans and pizza boxes." He pointed out, pulling his girlfriend closer to him as he started to chuckle lightly.

"Aw! How sweet!" Mary exclaimed, seemingly bouncing with joy. "Ken is so right. I just can't believe you two are actually going to be parents... This is so exciting! It won't be too much longer."

Jack and Mark smiled at each other, completely agreeing with her. The green-haired male was bonding with the unborn baby by caressing his growing belly, a newly developed habit that he secretly liked. It took him a few seconds to realize that his lover had stepped away slightly to converse with Ken.

"Well... How was the first date?" Mark abruptly asked, leaning against the new white crib behind him. He slipped both hands into his pockets, raising both eyebrows out of wonder and surprise as Ken shook his head and shrugged.

"It was good... The movie sucked really bad, but being with her was good." Ken responded, wrapping his arm around Mary's shoulder as he led her towards the nearby kitchen for a snack.

Mark nodded, even though Ken was long gone. "That was kind of weird." He laughed out, turning towards Jack, who nodded in agreement. With that being said, they leaned into a kiss. "I guess we're gonna have to find a way to move all of this stuff."


Upstairs, Cry was searching for an important book. He rambled through he and Felix's dresser with both hands, scattering clothing items, gaming controllers, and other miscellaneous trinkets all over the place.

"What are you looking for? You just led me on." Pewds pouted, sitting up in the bed and watching as Cry examined the final drawer. Finally, he removed a simple black binder filled with papers and what seemed to be photos glued to white construction paper.

Felix looked puzzled, fidgeting with the sheets of their bed as he waited for Cry to sit down. He did take a seat once he had shut the drawers, and crossed his legs on top of the bed. He removed his mask, taking in a deep breath.

"I can't lie to you anymore, babe." Cry said quietly, opening up the binder and frowning unhappily as he examined the contents inside. He was reading momentarily, until he glanced up at his beloved boyfriend.

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