BONUS: Cry and Pewds

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"Mmm, you're so warm, Cry." Pewds murmured in his sleep, rolling over to wrap his arms around his boyfriend's fully developed pregnant belly.

Cry's eyes widened as he abruptly shot up in the bed, feeling the sheets beneath him soaking up some kind of yucky, warm liquid.

Then, he groaned, pushing the heavily sleeping Felix off of him as he grasped his belly that began to viciously cramp. "God damn, fuck..." He hissed out between his teeth, squeezing his eyes shut.

He shook Felix's shoulder rather violently until the blonde was awoken. "Wake fuck up, Felix! My water broke!" Cry grumbled with agitation, shaking his boyfriend's torso in a desperate attempt to capture his attention fully.

"What?!" Felix gasped out, his sleepy blue eyes suddenly widening. "Are you sure?!"

"You're laying in my fucking baby fluids!" Cry spat out sarcastically, pushing himself out of bed speedily and grabbing his comfortable outfit from the duffel bag he and Felix had prepared for their trip to the hospital. "Get up!"

Pewds nodded, jumping out of the warm, cozy bed. He slung various clothing items out of the dresser as he searched for an outfit. "Does my clothes matter?" Felix questioned, his eyebrows furrowed with worry as he turned his head to glance over at his lover.

"Fuck the clothes!" Cry whimpered out, clutching his belly as he leaned against the wall behind him for support. "I need to go to the god damn hospital right fucking now!"

Felix began to panic, and accidentally freed a drawer from the dresser. It ultimately broke once it had collided with the floor, waking up one of the occupants in the bedroom next door.


Jack groaned as he rolled onto his side and eventually pushed himself into a halfway sitting position. He leaned over Mark, who was still snoring softly. He turned the switch on their lamp, filling the room with light. His husband and baby still slept soundly, but the noise coming from Felix's room had awoken him. "Fuck..." He murmured sleepily, pushing himself out of bed.

He glanced back towards Mark, who was cuddling baby Will close as they both continued to sleep. He smiled halfway, grabbing his discarded clothing items from the floor and dressing himself.

Suddenly, a loud string of cuss words could be heard from the same room. Jack's eyes widened as he froze up momentarily, listening in on his friends conversation. He could hear Cry sobbing while Felix desperately tried to calm his boyfriend down.

The Irishman stepped out of he and Mark's bedroom and into the hallway, navigating through the darkness and towards Cry and Felix's room. He knocked on the door, his eyebrows furrowed worriedly for his friends.

Pewds slammed the door open, a horrified look stuck upon his face. "Cry's having the fucking baby! What do I do?!" He cried out instantaneously, grabbing two patches of his blonde hair and pulling slightly as he became overwhelmed due to the stressful situation.

"Get him to the fuckin' hospital! What do ya think, Felix?!" The Irish male spat out, shaking his head furiously as he darted towards the pained Cry. "Everythin' is gonna be fine, okay? I'll wake Mark up and we'll get ya to the hospital." Jack explained calmly and quietly, grabbing Cry's hand. He began to pull the masked boy up, maintaining a good grip on his sweaty hand.

Cry nodded as a response, leaning against the wall once again as his burning contractions intensified. "Fuck!" He gasped out loudly, gripping his belly and panting out his breaths rapidly.

Jack immediately sprinted into his bedroom, shaking Mark's shoulder violently. "Get up! Put yer clothes on!"

"Huh? Why?" Mark murmured tiredly, gradually sitting up and holding the half-asleep Will against his side. "What's going on?"

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