High School Hell : 1

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"Don't worry. I'm going to be fine, alright? I may be the biggest loser you know, but I can still kick some ass when I need to. I love you. Both of you." Mark proclaimed calmly, kneeling down. He wrapped both of his hands around Jack's hips, pulling his boyfriend forward and planting a soft kiss against his belly.

Jack smiled timidly, entwining his fingers with Mark's. He pulled his lover up to his feet, just staring into his eyes longingly, yet worriedly. "I love you too."

Mark sighed quietly, caressing Jack's cheek with one hand. He leaned down slightly and kissed his boyfriend, then pulled back. "You better get going. I love you. I'll call you when all of this blows over."

Jack nodded, turning away as hot tears started to roll down his cheeks. Reluctantly, he began to walk away, glancing over his shoulder at Mark one last time. He couldn't shrug off the horrible feeling that was bugging him. Something told him that tonight was going to be unforgettable in the worst of ways.


"Well... This is it, I guess."

Minx smiled halfway, leaning her arm out of the drivers side window. She had braided her hair today, and wore a simple gray pullover sweater and black leggings. "Tell me about it. Are you guys really going to be okay?"

Wade let out a prolonged breath, raising his eyebrows as he tried to think of a quick response. "Yeah, we're going to be fine." He replied, then paused, staring down at his crush with concentration visible in his facial expression.

Minx was visibly blushing. She immediately glanced down towards the steering wheel to hide her flushed cheeks, tightening her shaky grip on the leather handles. A strong, overwhelming feeling was starting to consume her in the presence of Wade. She didn't like it.

There was an intense silence rising between them. Wade just stood there, motionless and speechless as he admired Minx's natural beauty.

"There's Jack. I'll see you later, Wade. Be careful." Minx stated hurriedly, breaking the silence. She continued smiling up at him shyly, impatiently waiting for him to leave so she could gather her thoughts. Wade nodded slowly, biting down on his lip awkwardly as he turned to walk away. Maybe he should have made his move before it was too late.


"Alright. It's ten till eight. Is everyone ready?" Cry questioned, finishing the task of loading his pistol, then sliding it into his back pocket. He proceeded to study the concerned looks stuck upon his friends faces, and became somewhat concerned himself. "I know, we're all scared. But, we're going to suck it up. We have to fight back, okay? Just relax, take a deep breath. We're armed. We're in our own home. We have advantages over them."

The group nodded towards each other, actually breathing heavily as instructed. Then, they took their attention to Ken as he started to speak. "Bob, trade with Mark. He has better coordination." Ken suddenly pointed out, grabbing Bob's heavy metallic baseball bat and handing it to Mark. He then gripped Mark's crowbar that he had acquired from the garage, handing it to Bob.

Cry nodded in agreement, adjusting his mask over his face securely. "They'll be here any minute-" The brunette didn't get to finish his sentence as his boyfriend emerged from the nearby bathroom. Although it couldn't be seen, Cry grinned halfway and blushed, turning around to face his beloved boyfriend fully.

Felix wore a simple black hoodie, matching sweatpants, and converse, topping it all off with an ebony bandana that he had tied around his head to push his blonde hair away from his face. "I'm ready." He noted, holding up a plastic shopping bag full of materials to make some simple homemade booby traps.

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