Together Again

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"Looks like we're done here."

Jack nodded, placing the final stack of labeled boxes he had been carrying on the coffee table. "Thank you guys for helpin' me out. I won't let Mark know about it."

"Yeah, that would be cool. He's pretty upset right now." Ken said, dropping another large cardboard box on the carpeted flooring in front of him. "You're my friend too, Jack. I'll always be here if you need me."

Jack nodded, exhaling a long breath. "Could ya do me a favor when you get home?"

"Sure, what is it?"

Jack was frozen up briefly, and felt extremely guilty for requesting something so childish. Felix had to supervise Cry, so there was no way he could come over to help with the baby while Jack unpacked. "Never mind."

"Alrighty then. Are you guys coming or what?" Ken asked loudly, stepping towards Bob and Wade, who were playing with baby Will inside of the bedroom. "You two have been playing babysitter this entire time while Jack and I carried all of this heavy crap up the steps! Let's go!"

"Hold on a second!" Wade shouted out from Jack's bedroom, lifting the baby out of it's swing. "Geesh, he looks just like Mark." he blandly commented, cautiously reaching the child towards Jack as the Irishman stepped through the door to retrieve him.

Bob nodded in agreement with his best friend, ruffling the infant's silky hair carefully before he and Wade exited the bedroom. "Thank ya guys!" Jack exclaimed one last time as the front door of the apartment was opened and the boys began to leave.

"Fuck..." Jack murmured to himself once he assured himself that he was alone. "I fucked up."

Just as those words were spoken, Will began to cry loudly from his comfortable position in Jack's arms. "What's wrong?" Jack whimpered out sympathetically, bouncing the wailing infant gently in hopes of calming him down.


"What was that, Pewds... What did we just do to each other..."

"That's what they call "fucking", Cry..."

As the couple cuddled up beneath the thick sheets, all of their problems seemed to disappear briefly. It was a complete relief for Felix, who seemed to have the weight of the world upon his shoulders most of the time. For Cry, well, he had basically lost his virginity all over again.

Cry eventually slipped his mask over his face, and folded his arms behind his head as he laid back comfortably in the messy bed. Pewds curled up beside of him as he typically did, tracing his index finger along the surface of his boyfriend's shoulder.

Suddenly, the door was slammed open. It banged against the wall loudly, leaving a large dent that Cry would have bitched about if he had remembered that it was his house. The light switch was then flicked upwards, causing the room to become unbearably bright. Pewds immediately reacted, jerking the covers further over he and Cry. "What the hell, man?!"

"Where's Jack?!" Mark questioned frantically, completely ignoring the couple's naked, messy appearances. "Did he leave?"

"I don't know!" Pewds replied in an agitated tone, gripping the sheets tightly and tugging them over his bare shoulders.

Mark turned around and slammed the door shut, sprinting down the steps. He peered into the spacious living room, where Mary and Minx were sitting on the sofa, watching a movie and eating take-out.

"Do you guys know where Jack is?" He asked from the open arch leading into the gaming and television area. "Where's Ken, Bob, and Wade?"

"I don't know, they went driving with Jack." Mary responded, leaning forward in order to make eye-contact with Mark, who had already left by the time she had finished speaking.

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