Halloween : 2

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"What's taking them so long?" Bob questioned worriedly, peering around the long line of pedestrians behind him in hopes of seeing Cry and Felix.

They had been gone for almost thirty minutes now, and there was one last family left in front of them. Soon, they were going to be allowed inside. Unfortunately, if the couple didn't make it back on time, they'd have to leave them behind.

"Probably making out somewhere." Wade huffed out impatiently, tucking both of his gloved hands into the pockets of his thick winter coat. "You know Cry... He's obsessed with Pewds."

Bob nodded nonchalantly, actually ignoring Wade's truthful statement. He was still eagerly awaiting the arrival of his friends. The family in front of them had just entered the corn maze, which meant the teenagers were finally at the front of the line. "They better hurry."


"Calm down, Pewds! The worst part of this is already over. We've disposed of the body... No one is going to find him back here. You're just paranoid."

"Shut the fuck up, Cry! That's not why I'm upset!" Felix sobbed out dramatically, shoving his boyfriend away roughly. Cry had previously attempted to pull the blonde into a comforting embrace, but it obviously wasn't happening. "I can't believe this shit... The worst part is far, far, far from over! I have to live with this overwhelming sense of guilt and dread for the rest of my fucking life! Why the hell would you do that to me, Cry?!"

Cry quickly tore the white mask away from his face, staring at Felix from a distance with his sleepy blue eyes. "I'm tired of people hurting you." He sighed out defeatedly, dropping his mask to the ground. "I can't just stand by and let people walk all over you, let alone try to fucking kill you. I love you, Felix... You're all I have in this world. As long as you want me, I'll always be here for you. I won't let anyone, or anything hurt you."

Pewds was stunned. How could someone be so sinister, yet so sweet and sincere? It just wasn't fair. Every time he wanted to walk away from Cry, he ended up turning right back around. He was completely speechless, just staring at his boyfriend longingly.

It was a rare occurrence when Felix actually had an opportunity to examine his boyfriend's facial features. There was no such thing as romantic gazes, or flirtatious glances between them. Cry possessed  beautiful oceanic blue eyes, but they were never visible.

Pewds had never truly understood why his boyfriend preferred to cover his face, because physically, he was perfectly normal in every way.

Mentally, his boyfriend seemingly had no feelings towards anyone besides Pewds. He was careless, even reckless when it came to hurting or even killing someone. Felix knew that Cry secretly liked it, and it disgusted him.

The saddest part of all, though, was that the Swedish male didn't care how he personally felt about his boyfriend's "darker side". He still loved Cry, even though he was heavily flawed. He would always run back to Cry, no matter what the consequences were.

"I love you too, Cry. Let's go."


"It's about time!" Mark joked, shaking his head slowly towards Cry and Felix as they greeted the group hand-in-hand. "What the hell happened to your clothes?"

"We ran into one of the actors on the way back, so we took some pictures with him. He was soaked with fake blood." Pewds responded, smiling towards Cry convincingly. His boyfriend simply nodded, adjusting his mask over his face properly.

"Wow, that looks real." Ken commented, stepping away from Mary and gripping the sleeve of Cry's jacket. He leaned forward, starting to study the stained clothing item closely. "Ew, Cry... It still feels wet..."

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