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"Get ahold of yourself, Bob! You're just drunk! Shut up and enjoy it!" Wade grumbled coldly, shoving his taller, more heavier-set best friend against the wired fence behind them.

Bob's eyes were full of pain and disbelief. He couldn't fathom Wade choosing a girl over him, let alone mistreating him. "Yeah, I'm totally going to enjoy this! I'm going to enjoy sitting in this cold, dark corner with a bottle of bourbon, watching all of my friends suck face, but worst of all, watching my best friend hit on a girl who isn't interested!" He retorted loudly, pushing Wade away from him with force and balling his fists up on instinct. If it came down to a fight, he would be prepared.

Wade struggled to regain his balance as he stumbled backwards, but once he did catch himself, he stood still to gather his thoughts, giving Bob a dangerous glare that could have burned holes through his head. "Bob, you son of a-"

"Hey! What the hell are you kids doing!? I'm calling the police! Stay where you are!"

Everyone jolted forward and quickly began to sober up upon hearing the unfamiliar voice from afar. "Damn it! Fuck! Shit! Come on, Jack!" Mark cried out dramatically, swimming as fast as he could towards the ladder. Jack obviously swam right behind him, clinging to the waistband of his boyfriend's trunks.

"Ken! You said we weren't going to get caught! I'm drunk, I can barely walk! We are so screwed!" Mary hissed out, shaking her head angrily as she attempted to stand on her own.

"No, no, I got you! Let's go, run!" Ken ordered, pointing his friends towards the fence at the end of the property. He lifted his crush into his arms effortlessly, and darted towards the nearby gate.

The old man behind the gate struggled to find the proper key for entry on his huge keyring. He cursed angrily, his hands shaking wildly as he tried each and every key. "Come back here, you little bastards!"

The drunk teenagers finally made it towards the other side of the fence, and hectically began to climb it. They were moving as fast as possible; It was almost as if their lives depended on getting away. They couldn't allow themselves to be taken into custody.

The old man had finally emerged from the gate, and was rushing towards them. "Stop! Stop, you little shits!"

"Hurry!" Minx demanded, shoving the drunk Cry over the fence in order to help the others. He groaned lowly on impact once he had landed on the grass below, attempting to push himself up to his wobbly feet. Minx hopped over once he had landed below her, and started to help her friends who were still climbing by grabbing their hands and pulling them over.

Finally, Mary started to climb. Minx grabbed her hand, determined to pull her over before she got caught. Mary plummeted to the ground like Cry, and despite her pain, pushed herself back up to her feet instantly. Just as Minx had helped her to the other side of the fence, the elderly man stood on the other side of the fence. He gripped the wire, shaking it out of rage. Mary had barely gotten away from him.

Everyone hyperventilated out of shock and exhaustion, and continued to run towards the nearby vehicle so they could escape. "Ken, do me a favor. Don't call me or text me. Just stop. Minx, try to get me home fast, please." Mary panted out in an upset, hateful tone, picking up her pace to catch up with everyone, but avoiding Ken.

Ken's chest ached. He had fucked up big time. He groaned quietly to himself, mentally beating himself up. What a stupid, stupid mistake. What a stupid idea this was. He had lost his only chance with her. A million thoughts were rushing through his head. But mainly, the thought that he was just a big screw-up.

That Night...

Jack knocked on Felix's bedroom door. While he waited, he examined the posters and stickers that Pewds and Cry had stuck on the outside of the wooden door. A few moments later, it was instantly pulled open, and he was welcomed in by his friend.

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