He Confessed...Now I Have To: Flowers' POV

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I was sleeping, until I heard the sounds of my enderchest. I opened my eyes and looked at it. It was sitting at the the edge of my bed, glowing, meaning I got a letter. I got up from my bed and walked over to it. I opened the chest and inside was a letter. "Wonder who's it from," I whispered to myself, grabbing the letter and opening it. 

Dear Flowers,

How have you been? I've been good if you're wondering. My sister's just been a little silly, like always. I really miss you guys, it's a bit quiet without you next to me.

I actually want to confess something to you, Flowers. The first day I met you, I, saw an interest in you. I know it's a bit weird, but I think I like you, and I mean like like you. It's okay if you don't feel the same, and I'm sorry if I offended you or anything.


I blushed. I never knew he liked me like that... do I really feel the same? I grabbed a paper and quilt and started writing.

Dear Felo,

It's great to hear, or read, that you're doing good. I happen to be good as well, and shocked.

About, what you wrote, I don't know what to say. I may have had a small liking or crush for you, but now, I'm not sure. I would like to think about it, that is if you don't mind, but, do know that, I like you, like like I mean.

Maybe one day, we can meet and talk about this, private. 



I put the note into the chest and closed it. The chest did a purple glow, signaling it was sent. I sat in my chair and looked out the window. I blushed, thinking about how he would react. I grabbed my tail and looked at it. It reminded me about all I wen through with my dear friends, making me smile. 

Sure, it was a bit painful, but I found happiness, love maybe, but, something is tingling at me, saying, "Something's wrong, watch out." I sighed. Maybe, it's just me...  

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