Built Bully

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Eddy POV

Mitch and Vikk came into my room.

"What's wrong?" They said.

"I had a bad dream," I said starting to calm down.

"What happened?" Mitch asked.

"I'd rather not say," I responded.

I didn't want to say because if I told them they might think I'm a freak and make me go back to the orphanage and that place was horrible.

"Ok go and change you have karate today," Vikk said.

"I don't my teacher quit, he said we were all too bratty and annoying," I said.

"Didn't you hear your teacher got replaced," Vikk said while giving Mitch a stare.

"Oh cool I'm gonna go change," I said

They went out of the room so I changed in to my karate suit with my brown belt.I ran downstairs to eat some cereal.Then Mitch came downstairs with a duffle bag.

"I'm gonna go out guys see you later," He said.

"Mitch why do you have a dufflebag?" I asked.

"Just for something," he said

I hate it when he does that.

10 minutes later.

"Can someone please drive me to my karate dojo?" I say.

"I'll drive you there Eddy!" Jerome says with a smile on his face.

"Thanks," I say.

I tell Jerome the directions and he drives me there.

"Thanks," I say.

"No problem," he says.

I go into the dojo and say Hi to my friend Steve. He goes to karate with me, and he's the only person here who watches Youtubers and plays minecraft.

"Hi Steve," I say.

"Dude you have no bruises or cuts are you not getting smacked anymore!?" He says.

"I got adopted," I say.

"By who?" He asks.

"Guess," I say

"A mom and a dad?" He replies.

"Nope I got adopted by the pack!!!!" I scream which makes some people look at me.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!" He screeches which makes everyone look at us.

" I know wanna come over after Karate?" I ask him.

"You already know the answer," he says.

"The house is massive and my room is amazing," I say.

"Who are your dads?" He asks.

"Vikk and Mitch," I say.

Adopted By...THE PACK!!!Where stories live. Discover now