The Perfect Prank

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Hey guys I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not making a chapter yesterday I was pretty busy and family came over so I just wanted to say that so now go on and READ.

We woke up and decided we were going to eat some breakfast. We decide to eat some Frosted Flakes. We went back up to my room and watched some of the packs videos. Steve and I decided to prank the guys. I made a make up box and some high heels appear. We also got some highlights. We first went to Jerome's room. We put in some pink and yellow highlights in his hair, We put some purple eyeliner and put on some pink blush. Then we put on some really brown foundation on his face which made him look kind of like a bacca. We put on red heels on his feet. Yes they fit. We go to Mitch's room and give him some purple and yellow highlights. We put black lipstick on one half of his lip and red lipstick on the other side. Like the black and red on his jumper. We put some black heels on his feet and they fit as well.
Next is Vikk's room, we put some blue lipstick on his lips and gave him really pale foundation and blue high heels and those heels fit also. We went to prestons room and put some red blush on his cheeks. We gave him orange highlights and orange heels that fit him. We went to Robs room and gave him green lipstick and green highlights and we gave him blue heels. We went to Lachlan's room and gave him yellow lipstick and yellow and pink highlights, we also gave him yellow heels. Steve thought we should draw on their heads so we did. Lachlan was tall, Rob was flower, Preston was lava, Vikk was small, Jerome was bacca and Mitch was Benja. We both wrote on our heads for fun. Steve wrote ninja on my head and I wrote fanboy on his head. When the guys woke up this is what I heard.

"EDMUND,STEVE!!!!!!" everyone screamed.

They ran out their rooms chasing us. I quickly took a picture of all of them. Mitch, Rob and Preston started chasing me and Lachlan, Vikk and Jerome chasing Steve. Mitch jumped at me but I dodged him. I run around the house some more then I look behind me and they're gone. I go find Steve and ask him where they are. He doesn't know. Then they all come out with nerf guns that are pointed at us. I use my power to slow down time but I make it so it doesn't affect Steve. I put out my hand and yellow streaks come out, it goes into Steve, I gave him my power the talent of dodging and then time goes back to normal. They all shoot but we dodge every bullet like it was nothing. They look at us with amazed faces then they all look angry. They all shoot multiple times but we dodge them. They all charge at us still wearing the dresses and Rob trips. I start laughing then he shoots me but I dodge it by reflex. He gets back up and charges at me but I do a flip and he goes right under me. Eventually they all just gave up. They took of the makeup but left the marker on their heads. Steve and I head back upstairs.

"Hey Steve do you want to take a flight again?" I ask.

"Yeah sure!" He replies.

Steve POV O_o

Eddy asks if I want to take a flight so I say sure. He puts his hand out again and does the power transformation thingie. He jumps out the window and I follow. We fly overs the hills and plain and the landscape looks beautiful. A few minutes later Eddy says we should fly back.

"Why?" I ask.

He looks like he's about to faint.

"I lose a lot of my energy when I transfer a power to another person," he replies.

"Ok ok lets go," I say.

When we're nearly at the house Eddy drops I fly down and catch and bring him to the room. I put out my hand and the air goes back into him.

Eddy POV

I feel really tired and I'm aching.When I transfer my powers to someone I loose a lot of energy. I tell Steve we should go home. He asks why but I explain to him. We're nearly home until I feel sleepy and I black out.

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