School Sucks

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Thanks for 31 reads. Here is a chapter for this story. I hope you are enjoying the book and now, go and READ. Also school is starting kinda soon so updates might be really slow but I don't know. I'm not as busy at school as I am in the summer which I know is weird but the chapters might not be as frequent.

Eddy POV

Steve and I woke up. We decided to make some cereal. We went upstairs, showered and brushed our teeth. Mitch drove us to school. When Mitch dropped us of we immediately got mobbed by fans. Mitch quickly ran into the car. Steve and I are in our 1st year of high school because we were so smart. (In this story there is only primary school and high school. When we walked down the hallway we immediately got shoved into a locker.

There is probably going to be swearing.

"What the heck?!" We yell/asked.

Then we saw that is was Alex great

"You too are little idiots with idiot parents," he said.

"Don't you dare talk about our parents like that!" We screamed.

I punched him in the face and Steve punched him in the gut. He got angry and punched us in the faces. Man this guy was a tank and he hit hard. (I forgot to mention that they went to a new school) I high kicked him in the face and told him to fudge off. We ran to our first class. Math. Alex is in our class. Great. He was behind me. He kept kicking my seat or punching my back. All of the questions were easy while some people where  getting them wrong. When class ended I ran into my next class. P.E. Alex and Dylan were here. I think they are like best friends or something now. We had to do this running thing where we had to run to a cone a mile away and back then high five your teammates. You can do it as many times as you want but 20 is the most. We started. Alex was like a bullet but I was using a bit of my super speed. Dylan and Alex were at the 19th one and then they both dropped. I did I the 20th one and Steve and I jumped and did a high five. After that we had a race. But it was a three legged race with your partner. When we started like 3 groups fell. I looked at Alex and Dylan and I saw that their rope was really loose and the teacher said it has to be tight or you're cheating. Alex and Dylan were speeding ahead with me and Steve behind them then. They looked behind and stuck out their tongues. Wow really mature. We got angry and started taking really long strides and then we were ahead of Alex and Dylan we won the race. After the race I told the teacher that they were cheating so they had to to 70 push ups. Did I forget to mention that we have the most strict teacher in the world. We call him the angry blonde. After they did the seventy pushups we went to lunch. When we were sitting down Dylan and Alex came over to us.

"SCRAM!" Alex screamed.

"NO" I screamed back.

I kicked his tray so his food would go in his face. He was gonna punch me but I ducked. I kicked him in the knee. He ran into the bathroom to wash himself off. Also just some information, Alex is 14 and Dylan is 13. I told Dylan to fudge of or he's next.

(A/N are you guys enjoying the book, comment down below if you are)

After lunch we had History. Dylan and Alex weren't in this class but Steve and I had all the same classes. After history I put all my books in my locker I turned around and saw a fist and then black. I woke up tied to a tree and Steve next to me, I also saw Alex and Dylan.

"Untie us!" I scream.

"Now why would I do that?" He asks.

"When I get untied I'm so gonna get you," I say.

They walked away while laughing.

Time skip to the end of school.

A janitor comes finally someone's here.

"What are you kids doing here, school finished 15 minutes ago!" he exclaimed.

"Ahem we're tied up," I say in a 'duh' voice.

He unties us. We are in so much trouble. We didn't see Mitch's car so we ran home. I noticed there were marks on our hands.

"Why didn't you use your powers?" Steve asked.

"My powers don't work all the time sometimes it's an on and off switch sometimes I can control it, sometimes, they work without me knowing and sometimes when I'm scared it doesn't work," I reply.

We arrived home.

"What took you so long, I waited for you guys for 10 minutes but you didn't come out?" Mitch asked/said.

"We uh um well you see we just you know," I said.

"We had to stay in and do some work because we got in trouble, we were passing notes!" Steve blurted out.

"I'm sorry Eddy but this is not acceptable, I'm gonna have to take away all of your devices, and you can't watch any TV same with you Steve," Mitch said.

"Ok," I said with a sad face.

"You ain't my Father," Steve said with a sassy voice.

"Your dad said I have complete control over you when you come to Eddy's house," Mitch said.

"Damn it Dad," Steve whispered to himself. (XD)

I laughed.

We upstairs into my room. We both sat on a chair and started drawing some stuff. I drew a picture of The Pack, Mine and Steve's minecraft skins. I drew another with the pack Steve and I. Preston was jumping to a block. Lachlan was failing one, Rob was standing on a platform with a flower crown hat, Mitch and Jerome were doing a sumotory, (I don't know if that's how you spell it) Vikk was in a minecart and Steve and I had Leather gear and wood swords and we were both saying "THIS IS SPARTA!". Steve made another one it had Preston and rob wearing diamond armor and a diamond sword, Jerome just chillaxing lying down, Mitch in the air in a star shape, Lachlan running away from a skeleton, Vikk killing a zombie and Us with diamond swords back to back and there are zombies around us. We printed 8 of our drawings and a little saying. Mitch had in Benja we trust and Jerome had in bacca we must. Lachlan had Sanik as his saying thing. Preston had Cactus Jones. Rob had Flower Power and Vikk had Molestar123 we gave the drawing to them. We drew some more pictures until it was time to go to bed.

So guys at was chapter 9 of ABTP this is just when eddy goes to school and gets bullied and he lies to Mitch only to get him and Steve grounded and then. They draw some stuff until it's bed time. Please




And I will see you my awesome named TBNR's later bye.

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